This service is used in OpenDAX Go HDwallet microservice to generate wallets, sign and broadcast transactions. It is using BIP-32 HD Wallet, which mean all addresses are generated from one master seed
Deposit wallet
blockchain_key: eth blockchain (infura) with right explorer_address, explorer_transaction
gateway: field set as `opendax`
uri: a link to go-hd microservice (e.g. "https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet")
gateway_url: a url of the infura or private node for broadcast transactions
blockchain_key: "eth-testnet",
name: "ETH/ERC-20 Deposit Wallet",
address: "changeme",
gateway: "opendax",
kind: "deposit",
settings: {uri: "https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet", gateway_url: ""},
max_balance: 0,
status: "active"
Hot wallet
To save Hot wallet you need to generate it see
blockchain_key: eth blockchain (infura) with right explorer_address, explorer_transaction
gateway: field set as `opendax`
address: Hot wallet address
uri: a link to go-hd microservice (https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet)
gateway_url: a url of the infura or private node for broadcast transactions
wallet_index: should be vault encrypted secret from wallet private key
secret: index provided in the address generation step
blockchain_key: "eth-testnet",
name: "ETH/ERC-20 HOT Wallet",
address: "hot-wallet-address",
gateway: "opendax",
kind: "hot",
settings: {
uri: "https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet",
gateway_url: "",
wallet_index: 1,
secret: "changeme"
max_balance: 1000,
status: "active"
To test address creating you need to be sure that:
should be some fake blockchain with right explorer_address, explorer_transactiongateway
field set as opendax
should be a link to go-hd microservice, default is https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet
should be a url of the crypto node, infura;passphrase
- should be vault encrypted secret from wallet private key;wallet_index
- index provided in the address generation step# Find deposit wallet and save it to variable
w = Wallet.find(id)
service =
service.create_address!(uid, {})
# response
// response
"currencies": ["bigo","cro","eth"],
daemon logsTo verify address information has right format
# Find deposit wallet and member configuration
wallet = Wallet.find(id)
member = Member.find_by(email 'your email')
# Find member payment address
payment_address = PaymentAddress.find_by(wallet_id:, member_id:
# In payment address secret should be information about passphrase (encrypted password from private key)
# In payment address details should be information about wallet index, and coin type
{"wallet_index"=>2, "coin_type"=>"eth"}
To test create transaction you should have all configuration described on create_address
step for all wallets related to your currency (especially deposit, hot wallet)
Be sure that you have blockchain configured before doing transaction and this blockchain-key connected both for currency and wallets!
Blockchain server
param should be the same as url
param in wallet settings (node url, infura url)
about withdraw status from rails console, admin tower or your wallet pageTo test load balance you should have all configuration described on create_address
step for all wallets related to your currency (deposit, hot, warm, cold)
1. Find deposit wallet and save it to variable
w = Wallet.find(id)
# response
"id": 1,
"name": "Test wallet",
"kind": "deposit",
"currencies": ["fth","seele"],
"address": "changeme",
"gateway": "parity",
"max_balance": "212.0",
"balance": {
"fth": "2.3",
"seele": "223.3"
"blockchain_key": "eth-testnet",
"status": "active",
"created_at": "2020-09-10T17:53:03+02:00","updated_at": "2020-10-20T05:00:49+02:00"