
Openware News

Explore the latest articles and tutorials about Blockchain, Crypto, and Cybersecurity technologies.

Hedging and Risk Management in Crypto Trading
Jul 26 2024 | Article

Hedging and Risk Management in Crypto Trading

In crypto market, hedging is a strategy used to help a holder offset the loss they might incur due to an unfavorable price movement in the traded asset.

Use Social Media to Scale up Your Blockchain Project
Jul 24 2024 | Article

Use Social Media to Scale up Your Blockchain Project

Choosing the right social media platforms is crucial for reaching your target audience and achieving your crypto project's objectives.

Building Decentralized Communities: Best Practices
Jul 22 2024 | Article

Building Decentralized Communities: Best Practices

Decentralized communities are the exact opposite of centralized organizations at their very roots: they are self-governed by members, with all decisions being distributed to a very broad network of participants.

The Future of NFTs: Beyond Art and Collectibles
Jul 19 2024 | Article

The Future of NFTs: Beyond Art and Collectibles

The real power of NFTs is their agnosticism and application across a myriad of other different sectors to create new opportunities and efficiencies.

Fundamental Analysis in Crypto: Evaluating Projects and Tokens
Jul 17 2024 | Article

Fundamental Analysis in Crypto: Evaluating Projects and Tokens

Fundamental analysis is the process of looking at the foundation and general structure of a house for a possible purchase.

Crypto Exchanges API Integration: Benefits and Challenges
Jul 15 2024 | Article

Crypto Exchanges API Integration: Benefits and Challenges

Explore the benefits and challenges of API integration in crypto exchanges, enhancing trading efficiency, user experience, and scalability. Learn about security, compliance, and real-world examples

Building Scalable Crypto Trading Platforms
Jul 12 2024 | Article

Building Scalable Crypto Trading Platforms

Learn the basic building blocks of scalable crypto trading platforms, scaling strategies, and applying them to real-world examples.

Layer 2 Solutions: Scaling Ethereum and Beyond
Jul 08 2024 | Article

Layer 2 Solutions: Scaling Ethereum and Beyond

We cover the different types of Layer 2 solutions, benefits, issues, and potential use cases below, explaining how they change the world of Ethereum while enabling more comprehensive blockchain implementation.

The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Crypto Markets
Jul 05 2024 | Article

The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Crypto Markets

Regulatory Compliance for Crypto Exchanges
Jul 03 2024 | Article

Regulatory Compliance for Crypto Exchanges

By adhering to regulations, exchanges not only protect themselves but also contribute to the overall health and stability of the crypto ecosystem.

What is Tokenomics
Jul 01 2024 | Article

Tokenomics: Designing the Economic Model of Cryptocurrencies

Tokenomics is short for "token economics" and covers the fundamental economic model of how tokens in a cryptocurrency work: how they are generated, distributed, used, or otherwise managed within the scope of a specific ecosystem.

UX for crypto trading platforms
Jun 28 2024 | Article

Enhancing User Experience in Crypto Trading Platforms

User experience in the context of crypto trading platforms encompasses all aspects of the user's interaction with the platform. This includes the ease of navigation, the design aesthetics, the performance and speed of the platform, the security measures in place, and the quality of customer support.

Empowering Trading Platforms with Blockchain Technology
Jun 27 2024 | Article

Empowering Trading Platforms with Blockchain Technology

The importance of blockchain to trading platforms is overwhelming. Although problems including slow settlements, high operational costs, and potential fraud usually beset sophisticated, conventional trading systems.

The Future of Decentralised Exchanges
Jun 26 2024 | Article

The Future of DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges)

Explore developments, benefits, challenges of DEXs, innovations, and governance models, as well as future trends.

Developing Secure Crypto Trading Platforms: Best Practices
Jun 22 2024 | Article

Developing Secure Crypto Trading Platforms: Best Practices

Explore practices for the development of secure crypto trading platforms to protecting users' funds, maintaining data integrity, and fostering trust in the digital asset ecosystem.

How Crypto Exchanges Generate Trading Volumes
Jun 20 2024 | Article

How Crypto Exchanges Generate Trading Volumes

Explore the different sources of trading volumes on crypto exchanges to shed light on the mechanics and parties driving this all-important aspect of the market.

Understanding The Basics Of Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Jun 18 2024 | Article

Understanding The Basics Of Cryptocurrency Exchanges

This article introduces the different types of cryptocurrency exchanges, how they work, and key considerations when using them.

Interoperability: Connecting Different Blockchain Networks
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interoperability: Connecting Different Blockchain Networks

Blockchain interoperability is the ability of different blockchain systems to interact, share information, and conduct transactions with one another.

Integrating Payment Solutions in Crypto Trading Platforms
Jun 14 2024 | Article

Integrating Payment Solutions in Crypto Trading Platforms

This article explores various types of payment solutions, the integration process, regulatory issues, and future trends in the industry.

Algorithmic Trading in Crypto
Jun 12 2024 | Article

Algorithmic Trading in Crypto: How It Works and How to Start

Dive into the mechanics of algorithmic trading and explore how you can start your journey in this exciting domain.

The Role of Cryptography in Securing Blockchain Networks
Jun 11 2024 | Article

The Role of Cryptography in Securing Blockchain Networks

Explores the critical role of cryptography in securing blockchain networks.

Blockchain Security
Jun 07 2024 | Article

Blockchain Security: Common Threats and Mitigation Strategies

Blockchain security isn't just about protecting digital assets; it's about maintaining trust in the entire ecosystem.

Jun 06 2024 | Article

The Rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)

DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is an entity that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain without centralized control.

What is Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining in DeFi?
Jun 04 2024 | Article

What is Yield Farming and Liquidity Mining in DeFi?

This article looks at the mechanisms, benefits, and intrinsic risks of yield farming and liquidity mining.

The Evolution of Consensus Algorithms: From PoW to PoS and Beyond
May 29 2024 | Article

The Evolution of Consensus Algorithms: From PoW to PoS and Beyond

Explore the evolution of blockchain consensus algorithms from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake and beyond, covering emerging trends and future innovations.

May 27 2024 | Article

How Crypto Futures Trading Works?

A futures contract is a standardized agreement to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified time.

May 25 2024 | Article

What are Iceberg Orders in Crypto Trading?

Iceberg orders are designed to execute large trades by breaking them into smaller, more manageable chunks, which are then hidden from the public order book.

May 20 2024 | Article

How Crypto Spot Trading Engine Works?

Spot trading engine is a critical component that ensures seamless transactions.

May 08 2024 | Article

Exploring the Global Impact of Crypto Market Making

This article explores the global impact and intricate details of crypto market making.

May 03 2024 | Article

Advantages of OTC Trading in Crypto

Trading cryptocurrencies over-the-counter (OTC) has taken off in the crypto market. It's great for traders and investors because it's a direct way to swap cryptocurrencies between two parties without needing an extensive exchange to oversee everything.

AI in crypto market making
May 02 2024 | Article

The Role of AI in Crypto Market Making

By integrating AI into their operations, crypto market makers can improve risk management, optimize trading strategies, and enhance efficiency.

Apr 26 2024 | Article

Algorithmic Trading in Crypto Market Making

Algorithmic trading has become increasingly prevalent in the crypto market. It involves automated systems executing trades based on predefined rules and strategies.

Apr 19 2024 | Article

The Role of Market Making in the Stability of Crypto Markets

Market makers are essential participants in the cryptocurrency markets as they help provide liquidity and stabilize prices.

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Retrodrops vs. Airdrops: What are Those, and What is the Difference?

Airdrops and retrodrops have emerged as pivotal strategies for projects to engage and reward their communities.

Jun 01 2024 | Article

Smart Contracts: Revolutionizing Agreements in the Digital Age

Smart-contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code have the potential to revolutionize numerous industries by automating and securing complex processes.

May 14 2024 | Article

Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Liquid Staking

Explore liquid staking's benefits and drawbacks and guide how to mitigate risks and maximize returns.

The Ethics of Crypto Market Makers
May 09 2024 | Article

The Ethics of Market Making in Cryptocurrency Trading

Explore the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations market makers must navigate to ensure a fair and transparent trading environment.

Apr 17 2024 | Article

Strategies for Effective Crypto Market Making

As the crypto markets continue to develop and grow, it has become increasingly important for traders, investors, and other market participants to comprehend the strategies and techniques required for successful crypto market making.

Apr 16 2024 | Article

Market Making and the Future of Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Explore the concept of market making, its mechanisms, and its significance in cryptocurrency trading. It will also delve into this space's challenges, opportunities, and future trends.

Jul 14 2022 | Article

Decentralized Versus Centralized Crypto Exchange

There are two main types of crypto exchanges: centralized and decentralized exchanges. Make sure you understand what each of these platforms offer before you start trading on them. This article offers a detailed comparison of decentralized versus centralized crypto exchanges.

Jul 14 2022 | Article

How to Buy Crypto on a Decentralized Exchange

Buying crypto on a decentralized exchange isn’t a complicated process, especially if you’ve used centralized exchanges in the past. But if you’d like a step-by-step guide on how to make your first purchase on a DEX, read on here.

Blue tinted banner with the text "How to Create Your Own DEX" shown in white
Jul 13 2022 | Article

How to Create Your Own DEX

With a decentralized platform (DEX), you can launch new tokens, allowing users to interact with numerous DEXs and dApps on various networks. But creating a DEX from scratch can be cumbersome and resource-intensive. Luckily, it is possible to avoid the complex backend development process by using a reliable decentralized exchange Web3 development platform like OpenDAX.

Blue stylized background with the words "What is a Decentralized Exchange?" written in white
Jul 13 2022 | Article

What Is a Decentralized Exchange?

A decentralized exchange (DEX) is an exchange that's designed to allow cryptocurrency traders to transact directly without intermediaries. In short, it is a peer-to-peer platform where users transact in a non-custodial manner.

Blue tinted photo with the words "How to get into Cryptocurrency" written over it
Jul 12 2022 | Article

How to Get into Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has been the breakthrough industry of the century, and it has led experts to predict that crypto and it's underlying blockchain technology will disrupt many industries, including finance and law. But its complexity can be a hurdle for new investors. What exactly is a cryptocurrency, and how can new investors join the industry?

Jul 12 2022 | Article

What Are the Different Types of Digital Assets?

Digital assets have become almost synonymous with cryptocurrencies, and although cryptocurrencies are a type of digital asset, the latter is a much broader concept. As more people and investors are drawn toward digital assets, it is important to understand what digital assets are and how cryptocurrencies fit into this broad class. 

Jul 11 2022 | Article

What Are the Three Main Types of Crypto Exchanges?

When it comes to trading cryptocurrencies, there are three main forms of exchange—centralized, decentralized, and hybrid. We cover the details you need to know.

Jul 11 2022 | Article

How Do I Make A Crypto Exchange Site?

When it comes to making your own crypto exchange site, white label solutions like OpenDAX help you avoid the challenge involved in the website development and speed up your launch time.

Blue background with white text saying All in One Crypto Trading Software
Jul 09 2022 | Article

All-in-One Crypto Trading Software

An all-in-one crypto trading software integrates multiple exchanges, including top crypto exchanges like Binance Chain, Huobi, and Bitfinex. This allows users to place their buy and sell orders on the platform without needing to open an account across all the crypto exchanges.

Image showing the works Openware and What is Liquidity in Crypto
Jul 08 2022 | Article

What Is Liquidity in Crypto?

Liquidity in cryptocurrency markets is often used to describe the ease with which a crypto asset (like Bitcoin or Ethereum) can be swapped for other tokens or converted into fiat currencies. In simple terms liquidity shows how quickly and easily an asset can be bought or sold.

Jul 08 2022 | Article

What Is Arbitrage Trading in Crypto?

Arbitrage trading involves buying a crypto asset on one exchange and selling it immediately on another exchange at a significantly higher price.

Banner image that says Making Money with Crypto
Jul 07 2022 | Article

Making Money With Crypto

When it comes to making money with crypto there are several common options, such as: trading, investing early in new projects, mining, market making, and yield farming. Read on here to learn more about the details of each.

Jul 06 2022 | Article

How Do You Determine the Liquidity of a Crypto?

When it comes to crypto projects, the availability of liquidity is often correlated to how popular the project is. If you're curious to learn more about crypto liquidity and how to determine it, read on here.

Jul 05 2022 | Article

Automated Market Making in Crypto

Automated market making is an integral part of the success of the DeFi space, revolutionizing traditional finance systems by introducing massive levels of flexibility in the domain of crypto trading.

Jun 30 2022 | Article

Are Decentralized Exchanges Truly Decentralized?

Whether an exchange is truly decentralized is a legitimate concern because some crypto exchange platforms claiming to be decentralized are not, since they continue to use third-party accounts as a way to hold funds during transactions. In this article we'll discuss the different levels of decentralization a crypto exchange may have.

Banner Image showing the words "What is Market Making in Crypto?"
Jun 01 2022 | Article

What is Market Making in Crypto?

Market making in crypto involves the process of buying and selling large amounts of a particular asset to facilitate liquidity and ensure the smooth running of financial markets. Read on here to learn more about how market making works and the benefits it brings to the crypto market.

Banner Image showing the words "How to Become a Crypto Market Maker"
Jun 01 2022 | Article

How to Become a Crypto Market Maker

Crypto market makers provide a key service to the active traders by ensuring there is liquidity in the market and that orders are instantly filled, and as a result of their service, can make a healthy profit off the price spread of each trade. Read on here to learn the steps you’ll need to take to become a market maker.

Banner Image showing the words "White Label Blockchain Solution"
Jun 01 2022 | Article

Working with White Label Blockchain Solutions

White label blockchain solutions are the way to go for businesses looking for a near-instant blockchain application. After choosing a blockchain application and a white label provider, all you need to do is customize the software to suit the specification of your business.

Banner Image showing the words "Is Crypto Market Making Profitable"
May 24 2022 | Article

Is Crypto Market Making Profitable?

Market makers play an all-important role in ensuring the proper functioning of the crypto market, which can be quite a profitable venture, as market makers take a small profit off each trade that’s placed. Read on here to learn more about how crypto market makers get profits.

Banner Image showing the words "What is a White Label Crypto Exchange?"
May 24 2022 | Article

What is a White Label Crypto Exchange?

A white label crypto exchange is a pre-developed protocol that allows businesses to create customizable exchange platforms. White label cryptocurrency exchanges offer features ranging from buying and selling crypto to fiat-crypto conversion, trading, staking, and holding cryptocurrencies. In addition, these solutions can be customized based on the requirements of the business.

Banner Image showing the words "How to Start Your Own Cryptocurrency Exchange"
May 23 2022 | Article

How to Start Your Own Cryptocurrency Exchange

Looking to start your own cryptocurrency exchange? We cover the main areas of importance you’ll need to sort out when going through the process; from deciding on the type of exchange you want, to obtaining legal counsel.

Jan 14 2022 | Article

Openware Partners with Qredo to Power Crosschain Settlement on the Yellow Network

Qredo's crosschain infrastructure will power the exchange of trading quotes and liquidity between exchanges and institutions on Yellow Network

Apr 20 2021 | Tutorial

How To Deploy OpenDAX3 On Digital Ocean

In this tutorial, we will deploy OpenDAX3 - an open-source cloud-native cryptocurrency exchange software platform on the Digital Ocean cloud.

Apr 19 2021 | Tutorial

How To Deploy OpenDAX3 On AWS

Hello, everyone! In this tutorial, we will deploy OpenDAX3 - an open-source cloud-native platform on the AWS cloud.

Apr 19 2021 | Article

What Is the Internet of Things IoT and How Secure Is It

The “Internet of Things” (or “IoT”) essentially consists of devices with an Internet connection that can collect, process, and share information with each other through wired or wireless networks.

Mar 06 2021 | Article

Gnosis Prediction Ecosystem in 2021

Gnosis is a market prediction ecosystem that provides an open-source framework for prediction markets built on Ethereum.

Mar 04 2021 | Article

Scrypt with a dash of Salt

Since its humble beginnings, cybersecurity has been tasked with beating the collective genius of individuals whose sole purpose is to break things.

Mar 03 2021 | Article

Shamir Secret Sharing and Quantum-resilient crypto keys

Standard blockchain-based solutions for cryptocurrency, tokenized assets, and data encryption use a single private cryptographic key assigned to the transaction creator.


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Apr 20 2021 | Tutorial

How To Deploy OpenDAX3 On Digital Ocean

In this tutorial, we will deploy OpenDAX3 - an open-source cloud-native cryptocurrency exchange software platform on the Digital Ocean cloud.

Apr 19 2021 | Tutorial

How To Deploy OpenDAX3 On AWS

Hello, everyone! In this tutorial, we will deploy OpenDAX3 - an open-source cloud-native platform on the AWS cloud.