
OpenDAX BaseApp UI

#User Interface for Trading and Wallets Management

Base React application to build a trading platform interface for use with OpenDAX: https://github.com/openware/opendax Why React? We consider it's the biggest frontend community and have capacities to work in mobile native.

You can see an example of a live application running at: https://demo.openware.com/


Please note, that BaseApp license only allows Non-Commercial use of this component. To purchase the Commercial license, please contact us at [email protected].

#Install dependencies

$ yarn install

#Run in developement mode

$ yarn start-mock

This command will also start a fake api backend for helping development. Once you happy with the result, save, build an image and run it with OpenDAX docker compose system.

#Execute tests

In <rootDir>

$ yarn test

For more options for jest run yarn test --help.

#Configuration documentation

Configuration file is located in public/config/env.js

Argument                Description                                                
api    URLs of barong, peatio, applogic and ranger API endpoints. You can use mockserver (https://github.com/openware/mockserver) with default env.js values
minutesUntilAutoLogout              Autologout time in minutes
withCredentials              false or true if you want to include cookies as part of the request(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Credentials)
gaTrackerKeyGoogle Analytics tracker key
rangerReconnectPeriodReconnection time for the Ranger WS service in minutes
msAlertDisplayTime Alert message display duration in milliseconds
kycSteps List of label names for KYC process

#Available Docker build args

While building a Docker image you can pass build-dependant arguments using --build-arg: docker build -t baseapp:latest --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="example.com" .

BUILD_EXPIREUnix Timestamp of the build expiration date in seconds
BUILD_DOMAINDomain which you'd like to use during the deployment

#Happy trading with OpenDAX BaseApp UI

If you have designed something beautiful with it, we would love to see it!

And if you have any comments, feedback and suggestions - we are happy to hear from you here at GitHub or at https://openware.com


This code is open for helping private modification and performing customer demonstration, you can use it for raising capital. You cannot use it for a live platform without getting a commercial license from us.

Contact us if you'd like to purchase a commercial license.


If you would like to fork, and modify this UI to create a BaseApp theme, we would be happy to setup a partnership program and sell your work provided a revenue sharing.

Made with love from Paris and Kiev.