
#Version 2.5.28

Released 2021-02-16

Feature: dynamic render of Fiat Beneficiary data (#598)

Feature: Update SDK version to 2.6.7

Feature: update dron with latest assembly (#497)

Feature: manual deposit address generation (#467)

  • Feature: add pagination to user balances

  • Feature: show all deposit enabled currencies

  • Feature: add deposit address status

  • Feature: add user deposit address fetch module

  • Feature: add deposit address fetch to UI

  • Fix: change deposit address generation api

  • Fix: display all currencies

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447) (#450)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#512)

Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#507)

Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build (#495)

  • Revert "Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)"

This reverts commit 7251747fb7f8f3701e3a308d3588248ad9e06888.

  • Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build

Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)

Fix: change plugin's name for building custom image

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

Fix: add min confimation error label

Fix: general plugin interface for env.js

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Update README.md

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

#Version 2.6.46

Released 2021-02-11

Update drone ci for slack notify (#594)

#Version 2.6.45

Released 2021-02-05

Fix: use correct formatting from decimal component

#Version 2.6.44

Released 2021-02-05

Feature: ability to cancel editing email (#588)

Fix: update user email after editing (#586)

Fix: user main info, Username to be Nickname (#584)

Fix: update User Balances interface according to BE changes (#585)

Fix: internal transfers and user table (#583)

  • Fix: turn on filters on internal transfers

  • Fix: users header(rows) data

Fix: Hide account number for 401 and 402 asset codes in adjustment creation (#582)

Fix: Users list rendering (#580)

Fix: replace all 'nickname' occurrence for 'username' after changes on BE (#579)

Remove filtering by username on Users Directory page (#587)

#Version 2.6.43

Released 2021-02-05

Revert "Fix: update stable with latest fixes" (#590)

  • Revert "Feature: ability to cancel editing email (#588)"

This reverts commit fd952f85fb8931632fe24e059218e53be54173af.

  • Revert "Remove filtering by username on Users Directory page #587"

This reverts commit 13019672ae4cc144c5daa7879dc4a2bcb7d34ef2.

  • Revert "Fix: update user email after editing (#586)"

This reverts commit e4afcda8626b3ae0cdec60500406aede75fab073.

#Version 2.6.42

Released 2021-02-05

Feature: add smart contracts support (#581)

  • Feature: add smart contracts module
  • Feature: cover smart contracts module with tests
  • Feature: add smart contracts UI page
  • Feature: add ability to change smart contract state from table
  • Feature: add redirection to explorer by clicking on the address
  • Feature: add ability to add smart contract
  • Feature: add ability to export smart contracts
  • Feature: add user notification after page refresh
  • Feature: add ability to import data from csv

#Version 2.6.41

Released 2021-02-05

Feature: ability to cancel editing email (#588)

Fix: update user email after editing (#586)

Remove filtering by username on Users Directory page #587

#Version 2.6.40

Released 2021-01-27

Feature: update 2.6 with current master (#578)

  • Fix: clear Wallet Settings values on wallet edit render (#568)

  • Fix: csv export first attempt download empty file (#569)

  • Fix: wait for data before downloading export file

  • Fix: additional checks before download export file

  • Fix: trigger export action after every loading data (#572)

  • Feature: add nickname to the users directory table (#570)

  • Fix: change if-else statement in NicknameExistence function (#574)

  • Fix: double export request on Withdraws Coin page (#575)

  • Feature: info about Fail errored withdraw, Load btn for errored withdraw (#576)

  • Feature: info about Fail errored withdraw, Load btn for errored withdraw

  • Fix: rename action buttons for Withdraw errored

  • Fix: handle routes with parameters and default (#577)

  • Feature: add Exchange: Internal Transfers section (#573)

  • Feature: add Exchange: Internal Transfers section

  • Feature: add export Saga for Internal Transfers

Co-authored-by: Andrew Peresada <kohelbekker@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Oleksandr Yershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

#Version 2.6.39

Released 2021-01-22

Fix: Update goci version

#Version 2.6.38

Released 2021-01-22

Feature: Add CI step to update the global version

#Version 2.6.37

Released 2021-01-18

Feature: Add user ip column on user activities pages (#563)

Co-authored-by: Jeng <jeng@yellow.com>

Fix: support deposit kind for opendax gateway client (#567)

  • Fix: opendax gateway client wallet settings

  • Fix: preset settings list for Wallet Edit page

Fix: accountings operations routes (#565)

Fix: refetch wallet after successful edit (#566)

#Version 2.6.36

Released 2020-12-30

Fix: prevent showing alert on 401 from /me (#562)

#Version 2.6.35

Released 2020-12-29

Enhancement: Change code for blocklogin restriction (#561)

#Version 2.6.34

Released 2020-12-28

Adapt tower for multisig plugin (#526)

  • Feature: attapt tower to multisig plugin

  • Feature: add blockchain connection

  • Feature: add ability to intedact with withdrawal

  • Feature: add value calculation in wei

  • fix: update result to show confirmations

  • add prettier

  • Feature: display confiramations in table

  • Fix: update node version in drone

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr> Co-authored-by: josadcha <josadcha@heliostech.fr>

add metadata prop (#530)

Bump version to 2.6

Enhancement: Update SDK version (#554)

Enhancement: Disable Docker cache purge

Enhancement: Update wio version to 0.1.1 (#534)

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: add blocklogin category for restrictions (#559)

Feature: Promo:Airdrop page (#557)

  • Feature: Promo:Airdrop page

  • Fix: more detailed example csv file

Feature: Warning Modal before auto-logout (#555)

Feature: edit Wallet settings dynamically (#553)

Feature: add docs about how to remove/hide currency in Tower (#549)

Feature: add dev mode; hide tower for non-admin user (#502)

Feature: add the possibility to update email (#543) (#546)

Feature: add ability to set the derivation path of ledger wallet

Feature: ask for the account on ledger connection

Feature: add console message with account and connector details

Feature: add wallet connect support (#540)

Feature: add ledger connector support (#538)

Feature: add webpack configuration support (#537)

Feature: add erc20 support (#532)

  • Feature: add check for the confirmed account

  • Feature: add web3 required libraries

  • Fix: polish code style

Feature: add ability to execute transaction (#529)

Feature: update drone for 2-6-stable

Feature: [edit wallets] add delete modal for currencies component (#508)

Feature: add confirmation modal window for nested wallets (#503)

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update dron with assembly changes (#498)

Feature: custom tower with ieo build step (#492)

Feature: minor updates for prefill feature (#484)

Feature: trigger Yellow build, remove stage with mockserver on drone (#482)

Feature: add currencies sorting

Feature: shared address implementation, withdraw limits, update components (#466)

  • Feature: update currencies component, render parent currency field for token type

  • Feature: add maximum balance, rework wallet component, remove console errors

  • Feature: implement withdraw limits story

  • Fix: remove currency from withdraw limits

  • Feature: add ability to change wallets state via table, add collapse for wallet table items

  • Feature: add nested currencies logic for wallets screens

  • Fix: linter fixes

  • Fix: ability to change wallet state through table

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: add optional z_type on deposit creation

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: display Beneficiary button accroding to abilities

Feature: abilities by field for Blockchain page

Feature: abilities by field for Currency page

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Feature: display Barong pages according to abilities

Feature: display Peatio components actions according to abilities

Feature: display add icon according to abilities

Feature: display NavBar item according to abilities

Feature: CanCan component implementation

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: connect sentry to the app

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: display Add Deposit if Deposits::Fiat rule (#556)

Fix: redirect when session was destroyed (#547)

  • Fix: redirect when session was destroyed

  • Fix: remove user if session is not found

Co-authored-by: josadcha <josadcha@heliostech.fr>

Fix: hide Activities fro non-superadmin, hide Ledger if no plugin (#552)

  • Fix: hide Metamask and Ledger if no plugin

  • Fix: remove unused files

  • Fix: hide Activities page for not superadmin users

Fix: display Dashboard for all, fix Navbar buttons (#551)

  • Fix: Ledger/Metamask button overlay menu

  • Fix: change Operators to Activities

  • Fix: display Dashboard for all admin users

Fix: prevent duplicating POST session requests (#550)

  • Fix: prevent duplicating POST session requests

  • Fix: prevent douplicating fetch of metrics

Fix: redirect to user details for markets-orderbook tab (#548)

Fix: Update default CMD in Dockerfile

Fix: Do not generate mapfiles (#535)

  • Remove useless build on GCR

Fix: remove ngnix, ignore warnings on CI build (#536)

Co-authored-by: Valentine Shatravenko <vshatravenko@heliostech.fr>

Fix: add checks for existing objects to table (#533)

Fix: update wio to 9f0a88b

Fix: change row id (#531)

Fix: change target table item (#528)

  • Fix: change target table item

  • Feature: update mocks woth confirmed transaction

  • Fix: change executed transaction check

Fix: update node version in Dockerfile

Fix: fetch full markets list for fees schedule modal (#523)

Fix: wrap Cancel Order button to <CanCan/> component (#522)

Fix: user directory permission target check (#521)

Fix: do not fetch 2 times user open orders after filtering (#518) (#519)

Fix: send Wallet settings on update if new value has been passed

Fix: remove unused JSON field which shows sensitive data (#514)

Fix: increase z-index for backdrop (#513)

Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#511)

Fix: change conditions for fetch user data at KYC screen (#510)

Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#506)

Fix: render delete button in the modal window (#505)

Fix: enable button, when geetest captcha confirmed (#504)

Fix: use correct response structure (#501)

Fix: add geetest captcha (#500)

  • Fix: add geetest captcha

  • Fix: rework captcha as separated component

Fix: remove an old plugin interface (#499)

Fix: remove plugin's name from build step (#496)

Fix: drone parsing error (#494)

Fix: check profile length (#491)

  • Fix: check profile length

  • Fix: use proper header routes

Fix: update sorting for nested wallets (#490)

  • Fix: use format decimal helper for wallets table

  • Fix: wallets nested currencies sorting

Fix: UI polishing for Currency component, set asc ordering for markets table (#489)

Fix: update condition for show nestedCurrencies (#488)

Fix: minor translations fixes (#487)

Fix: width for address + redirect by address (#486)

Fix: remove token from Currency type, fix min_deposit_amount (#485)

Fix: collapse after submitting filter (#483)

Fix: withdraw limit columns, create/edit payload (#481)

  • Fix: send level as number on withdrawLimit creation

  • Fix: display group as separate column in withdrawLimit

Fix: settings/wallets - add fetch in the componentDidMount (#480)

Fix: styles for wallets table (#476)

Fix: add setting validation to update wallet (#469)

Fix: deny chechbox export (#473)

  • Fix: deny chechbox export

  • Fix: remove unnecessary check

Fix: styles for wallet add and wallet edit (#479)

Fix: add filters for withdrawal limits (#477)

Fix: polish pending documents header (#471)

  • Fix: polish pending documents header

  • Fix: add update pending profiles after refresh click

Fix: add redirect on success wallet creation

Fix: use new profile structure for table component

Fix: revert deposit z_type changes

Fix: change labels width (#468)

Fix: add min confimation error label

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: hide item in NavBar if nested menu is empty

Fix: prevent fetching metrics if it's not allowed for admin

Fix: fetch abilities after login

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: return a value from CanCan if target not provided

Fix: add dashboard link changes to mobile menu

Fix: return Dashboard as simple navbar Link instead of CanCan element

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

Fix: failing abilities module tests

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: show dash instead of invalid date for doc_expire

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

Fix: correct wallet info mocks

Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

Fix: add check changed wallet

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: remove console log

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header

Metamask (#524)

  • add multisig pulugin

  • add mock file for multisig plugin

  • add metamask

  • remove all regarding domain

  • :fix lint

  • move provider to root app

  • fix: test commit

  • fix: skip unit tests without redux provider

Remove GCR Docker build

Test: log envs

Update wio version to 8816622

Update wio version to c1362ba

Update wio version to 0.1.3

Update wip version

Update .drone.yml

Update 2.6 with latest changes (#509)

  • Fix: add geetest captcha (#500)

  • Fix: add geetest captcha

  • Fix: rework captcha as separated component

  • Fix: use correct response structure (#501)

  • Fix: enable button, when geetest captcha confirmed (#504)

  • Feature: add confirmation modal window for nested wallets (#503)

  • Fix: render delete button in the modal window (#505)

  • Feature: [edit wallets] add delete modal for currencies component (#508)

  • Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#506)

  • Fix: change conditions for fetch user data at KYC screen (#510)

  • Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#511)

Co-authored-by: Khlopiachyi Pavlo <43373208+pkhlopiachyi@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Andrew Kushniruk <37345428+akushniruk@users.noreply.github.com>

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #517 from openware/master

Merge pull request #516 from openware/fix/wallets-settings

Merge pull request #515 from openware/master

Merge pull request #392 from openware/fix/plugins-script

Merge pull request #386 from openware/feature/category-response-code

Merge pull request #385 from openware/feature/update-gitignore

Merge pull request #382 from openware/feature/update-readme

Merge pull request #380 from openware/test/envs

Merge pull request #378 from openware/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #368 from openware/feature/sentry

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.152

Released 2020-12-24

Feature: Update SDK version to 2.6.7

Feature: Ability to add custom API for 2.3 (#448)

  • Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

Fix: PluginsTemplate file generation for multiple plugins

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Fix: correct naming in generate plugins script

Fix: prepare patch for 2.3 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: filters case convertion

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: re-generate empty PluginTemplate file

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update README.md

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #394 from openware/fix/plugins-2-3

Merge pull request #387 from openware/fix/withdraws-pending

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.13

Released 2020-12-24

Feature: Update SDK version to 2.6.7

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins for 2.4 (#449)

  • Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Fix: plugins reducer, generate template script, WalletInfo page (#424)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: prepare patch for 2.4 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #393 from openware/fix/plugins/2-4-stable

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

#Version 2.5.27

Released 2020-12-24

Feature: Update SDK version to 2.6.7

Feature: update dron with latest assembly (#497)

Feature: manual deposit address generation (#467)

  • Feature: add pagination to user balances

  • Feature: show all deposit enabled currencies

  • Feature: add deposit address status

  • Feature: add user deposit address fetch module

  • Feature: add deposit address fetch to UI

  • Fix: change deposit address generation api

  • Fix: display all currencies

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447) (#450)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#512)

Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#507)

Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build (#495)

  • Revert "Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)"

This reverts commit 7251747fb7f8f3701e3a308d3588248ad9e06888.

  • Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build

Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)

Fix: change plugin's name for building custom image

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

Fix: add min confimation error label

Fix: general plugin interface for env.js

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Update README.md

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

#Version 2.6.33

Released 2020-12-23

Feature: Promo:Airdrop page (#557)

  • Feature: Promo:Airdrop page

  • Fix: more detailed example csv file

#Version 2.6.32

Released 2020-12-21

Enhancement: Update SDK version (#554)

Feature: Warning Modal before auto-logout (#555)

Fix: display Add Deposit if Deposits::Fiat rule (#556)

#Version 2.6.31

Released 2020-12-18

Feature: edit Wallet settings dynamically (#553)

#Version 2.6.30

Released 2020-12-16

Fix: redirect when session was destroyed (#547)

  • Fix: redirect when session was destroyed

  • Fix: remove user if session is not found

Co-authored-by: josadcha <josadcha@heliostech.fr>

Fix: hide Activities fro non-superadmin, hide Ledger if no plugin (#552)

  • Fix: hide Metamask and Ledger if no plugin

  • Fix: remove unused files

  • Fix: hide Activities page for not superadmin users

#Version 2.6.29

Released 2020-12-16

Feature: add docs about how to remove/hide currency in Tower (#549)

Feature: add dev mode; hide tower for non-admin user (#502)

Fix: display Dashboard for all, fix Navbar buttons (#551)

  • Fix: Ledger/Metamask button overlay menu

  • Fix: change Operators to Activities

  • Fix: display Dashboard for all admin users

Fix: prevent duplicating POST session requests (#550)

  • Fix: prevent duplicating POST session requests

  • Fix: prevent douplicating fetch of metrics

Fix: redirect to user details for markets-orderbook tab (#548)

#Version 2.6.28

Released 2020-12-04

Feature: add the possibility to update email (#543) (#546)

#Version 2.6.27

Released 2020-12-04

Feature: add ability to set the derivation path of ledger wallet

#Version 2.6.26

Released 2020-12-03

Feature: ask for the account on ledger connection

Feature: add console message with account and connector details

#Version 2.6.25

Released 2020-11-26

Feature: add wallet connect support (#540)

#Version 2.6.24

Released 2020-11-25

#Version 2.6.23

Released 2020-11-25

Fix: Update default CMD in Dockerfile

#Version 2.6.22

Released 2020-11-25

Enhancement: Disable Docker cache purge

Feature: add ledger connector support (#538)

Feature: add webpack configuration support (#537)

Fix: Do not generate mapfiles (#535)

  • Remove useless build on GCR

Fix: remove ngnix, ignore warnings on CI build (#536)

Co-authored-by: Valentine Shatravenko <vshatravenko@heliostech.fr>

Remove GCR Docker build

#Version 2.6.21

Released 2020-11-24

Fix: add checks for existing objects to table (#533)

#Version 2.6.20

Released 2020-11-23

Update wio version to 8816622

#Version 2.6.19

Released 2020-11-23

Update wio version to c1362ba

#Version 2.6.18

Released 2020-11-23

Fix: update wio to 9f0a88b

#Version 2.6.17

Released 2020-11-23

Update wio version to 0.1.3

#Version 2.6.16

Released 2020-11-23

Update wip version

#Version 2.6.15

Released 2020-11-23

Enhancement: Update wio version to 0.1.1 (#534)

#Version 2.6.14

Released 2020-11-22

Feature: add erc20 support (#532)

  • Feature: add check for the confirmed account

  • Feature: add web3 required libraries

  • Fix: polish code style

#Version 2.6.13

Released 2020-11-19

Fix: change row id (#531)

#Version 2.6.12

Released 2020-11-19

add metadata prop (#530)

#Version 2.6.11

Released 2020-11-19

Feature: add ability to execute transaction (#529)

#Version 2.6.10

Released 2020-11-19

Fix: change target table item (#528)

  • Fix: change target table item

  • Feature: update mocks woth confirmed transaction

  • Fix: change executed transaction check

#Version 2.6.9

Released 2020-11-18

Adapt tower for multisig plugin (#526)

  • Feature: attapt tower to multisig plugin

  • Feature: add blockchain connection

  • Feature: add ability to intedact with withdrawal

  • Feature: add value calculation in wei

  • fix: update result to show confirmations

  • add prettier

  • Feature: display confiramations in table

  • Fix: update node version in drone

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr> Co-authored-by: josadcha <josadcha@heliostech.fr>

Fix: update node version in Dockerfile

#Version 2.6.8

Released 2020-11-18

#Version 2.6.7

Released 2020-11-18

Metamask (#524)

  • add multisig pulugin

  • add mock file for multisig plugin

  • add metamask

  • remove all regarding domain

  • :fix lint

  • move provider to root app

  • fix: test commit

  • fix: skip unit tests without redux provider

#Version 2.6.6

Released 2020-11-11

Fix: fetch full markets list for fees schedule modal (#523)

Fix: wrap Cancel Order button to <CanCan/> component (#522)

Fix: user directory permission target check (#521)

#Version 2.6.5

Released 2020-10-23

Fix: do not fetch 2 times user open orders after filtering (#518) (#519)

Update .drone.yml

#Version 2.6.4

Released 2020-10-21

Fix: send Wallet settings on update if new value has been passed

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #517 from openware/master

Merge pull request #516 from openware/fix/wallets-settings

#Version 2.6.3

Released 2020-10-20

Feature: update drone for 2-6-stable

#Version 2.6.2

Released 2020-10-20

Feature: [edit wallets] add delete modal for currencies component (#508)

Feature: add confirmation modal window for nested wallets (#503)

Fix: remove unused JSON field which shows sensitive data (#514)

Fix: increase z-index for backdrop (#513)

Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#511)

Fix: change conditions for fetch user data at KYC screen (#510)

Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#506)

Fix: render delete button in the modal window (#505)

Fix: enable button, when geetest captcha confirmed (#504)

Fix: use correct response structure (#501)

Fix: add geetest captcha (#500)

  • Fix: add geetest captcha

  • Fix: rework captcha as separated component

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #515 from openware/master

#Version 2.6.1

Released 2020-10-15

Bump version to 2.6

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update dron with assembly changes (#498)

Feature: custom tower with ieo build step (#492)

Feature: minor updates for prefill feature (#484)

Feature: trigger Yellow build, remove stage with mockserver on drone (#482)

Feature: add currencies sorting

Feature: shared address implementation, withdraw limits, update components (#466)

  • Feature: update currencies component, render parent currency field for token type

  • Feature: add maximum balance, rework wallet component, remove console errors

  • Feature: implement withdraw limits story

  • Fix: remove currency from withdraw limits

  • Feature: add ability to change wallets state via table, add collapse for wallet table items

  • Feature: add nested currencies logic for wallets screens

  • Fix: linter fixes

  • Fix: ability to change wallet state through table

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: add optional z_type on deposit creation

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: display Beneficiary button accroding to abilities

Feature: abilities by field for Blockchain page

Feature: abilities by field for Currency page

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Feature: display Barong pages according to abilities

Feature: display Peatio components actions according to abilities

Feature: display add icon according to abilities

Feature: display NavBar item according to abilities

Feature: CanCan component implementation

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: connect sentry to the app

Fix: remove an old plugin interface (#499)

Fix: remove plugin's name from build step (#496)

Fix: drone parsing error (#494)

Fix: check profile length (#491)

  • Fix: check profile length

  • Fix: use proper header routes

Fix: update sorting for nested wallets (#490)

  • Fix: use format decimal helper for wallets table

  • Fix: wallets nested currencies sorting

Fix: UI polishing for Currency component, set asc ordering for markets table (#489)

Fix: update condition for show nestedCurrencies (#488)

Fix: minor translations fixes (#487)

Fix: width for address + redirect by address (#486)

Fix: remove token from Currency type, fix min_deposit_amount (#485)

Fix: collapse after submitting filter (#483)

Fix: withdraw limit columns, create/edit payload (#481)

  • Fix: send level as number on withdrawLimit creation

  • Fix: display group as separate column in withdrawLimit

Fix: settings/wallets - add fetch in the componentDidMount (#480)

Fix: styles for wallets table (#476)

Fix: add setting validation to update wallet (#469)

Fix: deny chechbox export (#473)

  • Fix: deny chechbox export

  • Fix: remove unnecessary check

Fix: styles for wallet add and wallet edit (#479)

Fix: add filters for withdrawal limits (#477)

Fix: polish pending documents header (#471)

  • Fix: polish pending documents header

  • Fix: add update pending profiles after refresh click

Fix: add redirect on success wallet creation

Fix: use new profile structure for table component

Fix: revert deposit z_type changes

Fix: change labels width (#468)

Fix: add min confimation error label

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: hide item in NavBar if nested menu is empty

Fix: prevent fetching metrics if it's not allowed for admin

Fix: fetch abilities after login

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: return a value from CanCan if target not provided

Fix: add dashboard link changes to mobile menu

Fix: return Dashboard as simple navbar Link instead of CanCan element

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

Fix: failing abilities module tests

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: show dash instead of invalid date for doc_expire

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

Fix: correct wallet info mocks

Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

Fix: add check changed wallet

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: remove console log

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Test: log envs

Update 2.6 with latest changes (#509)

  • Fix: add geetest captcha (#500)

  • Fix: add geetest captcha

  • Fix: rework captcha as separated component

  • Fix: use correct response structure (#501)

  • Fix: enable button, when geetest captcha confirmed (#504)

  • Feature: add confirmation modal window for nested wallets (#503)

  • Fix: render delete button in the modal window (#505)

  • Feature: [edit wallets] add delete modal for currencies component (#508)

  • Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#506)

  • Fix: change conditions for fetch user data at KYC screen (#510)

  • Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#511)

Co-authored-by: Khlopiachyi Pavlo <43373208+pkhlopiachyi@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Andrew Kushniruk <37345428+akushniruk@users.noreply.github.com>

Update README.md

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #392 from openware/fix/plugins-script

Merge pull request #386 from openware/feature/category-response-code

Merge pull request #385 from openware/feature/update-gitignore

Merge pull request #382 from openware/feature/update-readme

Merge pull request #380 from openware/test/envs

Merge pull request #378 from openware/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #368 from openware/feature/sentry

#Version 2.5.26

Released 2020-10-12

Feature: update dron with latest assembly (#497)

Feature: manual deposit address generation (#467)

  • Feature: add pagination to user balances

  • Feature: show all deposit enabled currencies

  • Feature: add deposit address status

  • Feature: add user deposit address fetch module

  • Feature: add deposit address fetch to UI

  • Fix: change deposit address generation api

  • Fix: display all currencies

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447) (#450)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Fix: disable Adjustment button while waiting for BE response (#512)

Fix: enable add comment modal button for valid fields (#507)

Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build (#495)

  • Revert "Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)"

This reverts commit 7251747fb7f8f3701e3a308d3588248ad9e06888.

  • Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build

Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)

Fix: change plugin's name for building custom image

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

Fix: add min confimation error label

Fix: general plugin interface for env.js

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Update README.md

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

#Version 2.6.0

Released 2020-09-28

Bump version to 2.6

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update dron with assembly changes (#498)

Feature: custom tower with ieo build step (#492)

Feature: minor updates for prefill feature (#484)

Feature: trigger Yellow build, remove stage with mockserver on drone (#482)

Feature: add currencies sorting

Feature: shared address implementation, withdraw limits, update components (#466)

  • Feature: update currencies component, render parent currency field for token type

  • Feature: add maximum balance, rework wallet component, remove console errors

  • Feature: implement withdraw limits story

  • Fix: remove currency from withdraw limits

  • Feature: add ability to change wallets state via table, add collapse for wallet table items

  • Feature: add nested currencies logic for wallets screens

  • Fix: linter fixes

  • Fix: ability to change wallet state through table

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: add optional z_type on deposit creation

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: display Beneficiary button accroding to abilities

Feature: abilities by field for Blockchain page

Feature: abilities by field for Currency page

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Feature: display Barong pages according to abilities

Feature: display Peatio components actions according to abilities

Feature: display add icon according to abilities

Feature: display NavBar item according to abilities

Feature: CanCan component implementation

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: connect sentry to the app

Fix: remove an old plugin interface (#499)

Fix: remove plugin's name from build step (#496)

Fix: drone parsing error (#494)

Fix: check profile length (#491)

  • Fix: check profile length

  • Fix: use proper header routes

Fix: update sorting for nested wallets (#490)

  • Fix: use format decimal helper for wallets table

  • Fix: wallets nested currencies sorting

Fix: UI polishing for Currency component, set asc ordering for markets table (#489)

Fix: update condition for show nestedCurrencies (#488)

Fix: minor translations fixes (#487)

Fix: width for address + redirect by address (#486)

Fix: remove token from Currency type, fix min_deposit_amount (#485)

Fix: collapse after submitting filter (#483)

Fix: withdraw limit columns, create/edit payload (#481)

  • Fix: send level as number on withdrawLimit creation

  • Fix: display group as separate column in withdrawLimit

Fix: settings/wallets - add fetch in the componentDidMount (#480)

Fix: styles for wallets table (#476)

Fix: add setting validation to update wallet (#469)

Fix: deny chechbox export (#473)

  • Fix: deny chechbox export

  • Fix: remove unnecessary check

Fix: styles for wallet add and wallet edit (#479)

Fix: add filters for withdrawal limits (#477)

Fix: polish pending documents header (#471)

  • Fix: polish pending documents header

  • Fix: add update pending profiles after refresh click

Fix: add redirect on success wallet creation

Fix: use new profile structure for table component

Fix: revert deposit z_type changes

Fix: change labels width (#468)

Fix: add min confimation error label

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: hide item in NavBar if nested menu is empty

Fix: prevent fetching metrics if it's not allowed for admin

Fix: fetch abilities after login

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: return a value from CanCan if target not provided

Fix: add dashboard link changes to mobile menu

Fix: return Dashboard as simple navbar Link instead of CanCan element

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

Fix: failing abilities module tests

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: show dash instead of invalid date for doc_expire

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

Fix: correct wallet info mocks

Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

Fix: add check changed wallet

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: remove console log

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Test: log envs

Update README.md

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #392 from openware/fix/plugins-script

Merge pull request #386 from openware/feature/category-response-code

Merge pull request #385 from openware/feature/update-gitignore

Merge pull request #382 from openware/feature/update-readme

Merge pull request #380 from openware/test/envs

Merge pull request #378 from openware/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #368 from openware/feature/sentry

#Version 2.5.25

Released 2020-09-21

Feature: update dron with latest assembly (#497)

#Version 2.5.24

Released 2020-09-17

Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build (#495)

  • Revert "Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)"

This reverts commit 7251747fb7f8f3701e3a308d3588248ad9e06888.

  • Fix: remove plugin name from wiprex step build

#Version 2.5.23

Released 2020-09-17

Fix: remove custom image build step (#493)

#Version 2.5.22

Released 2020-09-09

Feature: manual deposit address generation (#467)

  • Feature: add pagination to user balances

  • Feature: show all deposit enabled currencies

  • Feature: add deposit address status

  • Feature: add user deposit address fetch module

  • Feature: add deposit address fetch to UI

  • Fix: change deposit address generation api

  • Fix: display all currencies

#Version 2.5.21

Released 2020-08-26

Fix: change plugin's name for building custom image

Fix: export data after first click on Export btn

#Version 2.5.20

Released 2020-08-26

Fix: add min confimation error label

#Version 2.5.19

Released 2020-08-25

Fix: general plugin interface for env.js

#Version 2.5.18

Released 2020-08-25

Fix: convert list to JSON string instead of its length

Fix: use componentDidUpdate for handle list changes

Fix: disable cancel selected button for empty list and fetch user open orders after cancel from user screen

Fix: add body to delete request

#Version 2.5.17

Released 2020-08-21

Feature: add cancel orders by finex saga

Feature: add multiple order cancel posibility

Feature: export data with max 1000 items

Feature: add tests for actions and reducer

Feature: add aml deposits

Feature: add aml config

Feature: add mocks for beneficiary details

Feature: add beneficiary details screen, get beneficiary item and enable beneficiary item modules

Feature: add mocks for users beneficiaries

Feature: add module for users beneficiaries

Fix: remove cancel order flow

Fix: remove unnecessary check and any types

Fix: add UI for cancel orders

Fix: remove unnecessary code and add Beneficiary target

Fix: remove unnecessary tab flow

Fix: add missing icons

Fix: change beneficiaries mocks

Fix: change beneficiary data type and use correct payload

Fix: add comments fixes

Fix: add test for sagas

Fix: add beneficiary screen

Fix: add field length validation

Fix: disable add comment button for avoid empty field errors

#Version 2.5.16

Released 2020-08-18

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins (#447) (#450)

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

#Version 2.4.12

Released 2020-08-18

Feature: ability to add custom API from plugins for 2.4 (#449)

  • Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

  • Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Fix: plugins reducer, generate template script, WalletInfo page (#424)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: prepare patch for 2.4 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #393 from openware/fix/plugins/2-4-stable

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

#Version 2.5.15

Released 2020-08-18

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: no actions for updated profile with state drafted

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.151

Released 2020-08-18

Feature: Ability to add custom API for 2.3 (#448)

  • Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

  • Feature: add API from Plugins

  • Feature: generate template interface for custom API

  • Feature: README for Custom API add

  • Fix: generating of custom API interface

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

Fix: PluginsTemplate file generation for multiple plugins

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Fix: correct naming in generate plugins script

Fix: prepare patch for 2.3 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: filters case convertion

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: re-generate empty PluginTemplate file

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update README.md

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #394 from openware/fix/plugins-2-3

Merge pull request #387 from openware/fix/withdraws-pending

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.5.14

Released 2020-08-12

Fix: add check for existing balance object

Fix: add chech for existing markets

#Version 2.5.13

Released 2020-08-12

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: change wallets balance response

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.150

Released 2020-08-11

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: prevent cloning plugin if no repo provided

Fix: use default createDepositModal instead of FactoryMap in Deposits

Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

Fix: PluginsTemplate file generation for multiple plugins

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Fix: correct naming in generate plugins script

Fix: prepare patch for 2.3 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: filters case convertion

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: re-generate empty PluginTemplate file

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update README.md

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #394 from openware/fix/plugins-2-3

Merge pull request #387 from openware/fix/withdraws-pending

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.5.12

Released 2020-08-10

Feature: display wallet balance in wallets list (#426)

Feature: ability to reject crypto withdraw if state submitted

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Fix: simplify arrow function in PluginsManager

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

#Version 2.4.11

Released 2020-08-07

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Fix: plugins reducer, generate template script, WalletInfo page (#424)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

Fix: prepare patch for 2.4 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #393 from openware/fix/plugins/2-4-stable

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

#Version 2.5.11

Released 2020-08-07

Fix: plugins reducer, WalletInfo page, generate template script (#423)

  • Fix: add check changed wallet

  • Fix: generate template script, prepare plugins for multiple plugins

  • Feature: support ability to clone from gitlab repo

  • Fix: do not override PluginsTemplate.ts with yarn plugins:template command

  • Feature: plugin's /modules/index.ts file generation

  • Fix: correct wallet info mocks

  • Fix: provide initialReducer for plugins if no plugins provided

  • Fix: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

  • Fix: prepare PluginsTemplate after cloning all plugins

Co-authored-by: oyershov <oyershov@heliostech.fr>

#Version 2.5.10

Released 2020-08-07

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: button styles in Safari

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.149

Released 2020-08-04

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: prepare patch for 2.3 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: filters case convertion

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: re-generate empty PluginTemplate file

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update README.md

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #394 from openware/fix/plugins-2-3

Merge pull request #387 from openware/fix/withdraws-pending

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.10

Released 2020-08-04

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Fix: prepare patch for 2.4 update

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Fix: change calculation of total

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Update README.md


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #393 from openware/fix/plugins/2-4-stable

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

#Version 2.5.9

Released 2020-08-04

Feature: ability to combine custom tower and plugins in one module

Feature: update README file

Feature: generate CustomFactoryMap from plugins.json

Feature: component Factory Map

Feature: containers Factory Map

Feature: Use mockstage mockserver

Feature: Add ability to create, edit and delte user comments

Fix: change sh to bash for all scripts

Fix: export components and containers, fix clone script

Fix: add checks for plugins existence

Fix: Wallet Details page text styles

Fix: export data with applied filters

Fix: icon in table overlaps table header

Fix: Currency page text styles

Fix: disable Currency type editing

Fix: increase text fields width on Profile

Fix: hide profile versions if list is empty

Fix: display country in alpha2 format during edit profile

Fix: change editing fields function, add status for profile verification success

Fix: show profiles from state, add dropdown with profiles

Fix: separate profile for edit and profile for verification

Fix: add tests for new actions

Fix: create new profile insted edit previous profile

Fix: move posibility to edit from submitted profile to left block

Fix: user table for comments block and add tests

Fix: admin comments temp

Fix: do not render comments header when there is no data

Fix: indetation fix in delete and edit sagas

#Version 2.5.8

Released 2020-07-30

Feature: script for cloning existing plugin

Feature: generating plugin template

Fix: modify plugins:clone and plugins:template scripts

Fix: named args for scripts

Update README.md

#Version 2.5.7

Released 2020-07-23

Feature: add onMount to getLatestBlockFetch action

Feature: add scan and fetch latest block for blockchain details page

Feature: specify response code for different categories

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Fix: remove console log

Fix: remove duplicating withdraw history labels

Fix: don't send label description if it's empty

Fix: status title styles

Fix: codestyle fixes

Fix: refetch blokchain after updating latest block

Fix: success alerts for fetch latest & scan block

Fix: replace 0 block with empty field

Fix: add csrf token in scan blockchain post request

Fix: add case validation

Fix: convert country value to alpha2 code before apply filter

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

#Version 2.4.9

Released 2020-07-13

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #393 from openware/fix/plugins/2-4-stable

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.148

Released 2020-07-09

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: filters case convertion

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: re-generate empty PluginTemplate file

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #394 from openware/fix/plugins-2-3

Merge pull request #387 from openware/fix/withdraws-pending

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.8

Released 2020-07-08

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #393 from openware/fix/plugins/2-4-stable

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

#Version 2.5.6

Released 2020-07-08

Fix: use existing tag for custom images build

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #390 from openware/fix/drone-stable

#Version 2.5.5

Released 2020-07-08

Fix: bumping tag in drone step for custom images

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #389 from openware/fix/custom-images-drone

#Version 2.5.4

Released 2020-07-08

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: update drone to build custom images

Feature: import plugins files from dir named git repo

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: remove unnecessary script steps for preparing plugins

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #388 from openware/plugins-script

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.147

Released 2020-07-08

Fix: filters case convertion

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: re-generate empty PluginTemplate file

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #387 from openware/fix/withdraws-pending

#Version 2.3.146

Released 2020-07-02

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.7

Released 2020-07-02

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

#Version 2.5.3

Released 2020-07-02

Feature: put plugins.json to gitignore files

#Version 2.5.2

Released 2020-07-01

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Fix: update README for plugins

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #384 from openware/feature/2-5-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

#Version 2.4.6

Released 2020-07-01

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: update 2-4-stable with new Plugins structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #383 from openware/feature/2-4-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.145

Released 2020-07-01

Feature: empty plugins bt default

Feature: update 2-3-stable with new Plugin Structure

Feature: new Tower Plugin structure (#376)

  • Feature: implement PluginsManager class

  • Feature: implement Plugins routes rendering

  • Feature: Menus, Icons, HeaderActions rendering

  • Feature: Define WalletLimits plugin, make PluginsManager general

  • Feature: Currencies module inside IEO plugins

  • Fix: Plugins routes rendering

  • Add a draft of plugins:prepare command

  • Generate PluginsTemplate.ts file

  • Feature: script for cloning plugins

  • Feature: comments to Plugins interfaces

  • Feature: add README for plugins

  • Feature: empty plugins list by default

  • Feature: update core libraries

Co-authored-by: Camille Meulien <camille.meulien@gmail.com>

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #381 from openware/feature/2-3-stable/plugins

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.5.1

Released 2020-07-01

Fix: add csrf token to deposit collect call

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #379 from openware/2-5/fix/deposit-collect-csrf

#Version 2.5.0

Released 2020-06-23

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: configure CI for stable branch

Feature: update restrictions, add ability to generate whitelink token

Feature: dropdown with Markets states

Feature: add beneficiaries tab

Feature: add tab for profile pending labels

Feature: add description as optional

Feature: add missing changes for description field

Feature: Add description field in label edit

Feature: move allowed roles to config

Feature: add csv export with react-csv

Feature: add test suites for deposit module

Feature: add ability to collect/collect with fees for deposit

Feature: refresh just required components instead of full page

Feature: display user additional data in Profile

Feature: disaply engine name in markets list

Feature: set engine while create market

Feature: add handle enter press to filters

Feature: add mocks for errored withdraw state

Feature: docs state changer

Feature: reject and approve added to KYC

Feature: ability to zoom documents

Feature: clickability for referrer UID and creator UID

Feature: add optional sticky header

Feature: display address on user balances page

Feature: add deposit filters

Feature: market field added to exchange/trades page filter

Feature: average column added

Feature: update sdk to 2.4.5, VERSION file to 2.5.0

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: change button styles

Fix: add regex for input, change dropdown appearence

Fix: reset user beneficiaries if admin changes user

Fix: split tabs for documents and profile, improve routes

Fix: add fields to beneficiary modal, change rule of rendering beneficiaries, add columns to histories

Fix: add mockups and rework beneficiary modal

Fix: reemove unnecessary payload for fetch currencies

Fix: change beneficiary tables and modal

Fix: use Grid instad of styles

Fix: filter with pagination for profile pending, add mocks for profile pending filters

Fix: add responsive for show all button

Fix: profile pending pagination, add uid filtering and uid column in table

Fix: add mocks for profile pending

Fix: code style polish

Fix: align input field and button at blockchain edit screen

Fix: refactor display last verified profile, remove extra helper, add logic to saga for preventing table rerender

Fix: add manager role to the list

Fix: add maker and taker fee amount and currency in user's trades history table

Fix: Add maker fee and take fee column in user info -> history tab -> Trades table

Fix: Display last verified profile

Fix: change admin login with enabled otp

Fix: fields opcaity and markets orderbook paginations without header

Fix: document reject fixed

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: post-QA fixes for filters

Fix: additional info on the Deposit details page

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: redundant filters deleted

Fix: remove unnecessary calls

Fix: TableHeader background-color property fixed

Fix: rework layout with Grid element

Fix: add styles for input fields

Fix: use Grid instead of styles

Fix: use Grid item instead of styles in containers

Fix: user correct typography styles

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: change withdraw details layout due to mockups

Fix: add currency precision

Fix: disable document action button statement

Fix: needless capitalize case deleted

Fix: add subpage check to breadcrumbs

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: add wallet balance info

Fix: add error message for crypto withdrawal

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: fail a withdrawal request with "Errored" and "Skipped" statuses

Fix: field for fee creation renamed

Fix: change drone trigger branch to master

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: uid replaced with email

Fix: taker-maker fee columns added

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Merge branch 'master' into fix/filters_review

Merge branch 'master' into feature/table-sticky-header


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #373 from openware/feature/2-5-ci

Merge pull request #367 from openware/feature/restrictions

Merge pull request #372 from openware/feature/markets-dropdown

Merge pull request #365 from openware/fix/markets/button-overlap

Merge pull request #344 from openware/feature/beneficiaries

Merge pull request #343 from openware/feature/pending-applications

Merge pull request #260 from openware/feature/edit-field

Merge pull request #362 from openware/fix/taker-maker_fee

Merge pull request #363 from openware/fix/last_profile

Merge pull request #369 from openware/fix/blockshain/reset-block

Merge pull request #358 from openware/feature/login-roles-config

Merge pull request #366 from openware/fix/login-otp

Merge pull request #360 from openware/fix/nan-pagination

Merge pull request #351 from openware/feature/react-csv

Merge pull request #357 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #312 from openware/feature/zoom-documents

Merge pull request #331 from openware/fix/fail-skipped-withdraw

Merge pull request #334 from openware/feature/deposit-collect

Merge pull request #323 from openware/fix/deposit-details-update

Merge pull request #342 from openware/fix/filters_review

Merge pull request #356 from openware/fix/redux-clear-adjustment

Merge pull request #353 from openware/fix/adjustments_uid

Merge pull request #350 from openware/fix/table-background-color

Merge pull request #347 from openware/fix/refresh-logic

Merge pull request #352 from openware/feature/user-data

Merge pull request #349 from openware/fix/market-layout

Merge pull request #337 from openware/fix/wallet-balance

Merge pull request #326 from openware/feature/display-address-balances-page

Merge pull request #335 from openware/fix/withdrawal-error

Merge pull request #332 from openware/feature/exchange-trades-filters

Merge pull request #348 from openware/feature/engines

Merge pull request #345 from openware/fix/payload-types

Merge pull request #346 from openware/feature/filter-enter

Merge pull request #340 from openware/fix/breadcrumbs

Merge pull request #339 from openware/feature/table-sticky-header

Merge pull request #338 from openware/fix/query-params-filter

Merge pull request #336 from openware/fix/total-header

Merge pull request #325 from openware/fix/remove-case-conversation

Merge pull request #320 from openware/feature/clickability-for-UIDs

Merge pull request #330 from openware/fix/fee-group-name

Merge pull request #324 from openware/fix/replace-uid-with-email

Merge pull request #328 from openware/fix/drone-trigger

Merge pull request #327 from openware/fix/profile-kyc

Merge pull request #322 from openware/feature/maker-taker-fee-column

Merge pull request #321 from openware/feature/add_average_column

Merge pull request #318 from openware/feature/updated-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #315 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4

Merge pull request #313 from openware/fix/last-rejected-profile

Merge pull request #307 from openware/feataure/material-ui-v4

Merge pull request #309 from openware/fix/trading_fee

Merge pull request #305 from openware/feature/profile-review

Merge pull request #311 from openware/feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #310 from openware/revert-295-feature/filters-and-fee-group-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.144

Released 2020-05-08

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #355 from openware/fix/2-3-adjustment-uid

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.5

Released 2020-05-08

Fix: clear adjustment in redux during fetching

Fix: uid value for adjustment

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #354 from openware/fix/2-4-uid-adjustment

#Version 2.4.4

Released 2020-04-29

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: change input types

Fix: change types accrding to BE changes

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.143

Released 2020-04-29

Fix: rework logic for orders, trades and operations related to the case that total header is removed

#Version 2.3.142

Released 2020-04-23

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: remove redeploy in devkube step from drone

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.3

Released 2020-04-23

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.141

Released 2020-04-23

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Fix: wallets list default ordering

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #333 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/wallets

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.4.2

Released 2020-04-22

Fix: prevent Profile page crash

#Version 2.4.1

Released 2020-04-13

Feature: update SDK image to 2.4.5

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #319 from openware/feature/update-sdk-2-4-5

#Version 2.4.0

Released 2020-04-10

Enhancement: Redeploy on master.devkube.com on every master push (#293)

Enhancement: Remove the Lite image push CI step (#291)

Feature: tag images on '*-stable' branches

Feature: update sdk version for 2.4

Feature: rename componentWillReceiveProps to UNSAFE

Feature: upgrade Material-UI to v4

Feature: fetch user data after changing profile state

Feature: user Profile comparison

Feature: User Profiles review on KYC tab

Feature: display info about Profile which needs to be verified

Feature: orderBy param for Currencies, Markets, Blockchains

Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

Feature: add withCredentials env to config

Feature: change wallet settings variable names

Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

  • Feature: add withCredentials env to config

  • Feature: add ability to change price/amount precision

  • Feature: improve app's performance, add nginx config

  • Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

  • Feature: add filters for deposit, remove extra filters

Feature: add ability to cancel finex orders

Feature: add bitbo support to wallets

Feature: change market payload types (#294)

Feature: add roles to config (#286)

  • Feature: add roles to config

Feature: add withdrawal limit plugin (#256)

  • Feature: add wallet limits plugin

  • Feature: add wallet limits module

  • Feature: add withdraw limits container

  • Feature: add edit withdrawal limit request

  • Feature: add checks to edit withdrawal request

  • Feature: add formatting to value inputs

  • Feature: add check for default props

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from routes, add type to payload

  • Fix: remove wallet limits from plugins list

  • Fix: solve linter messages after rebase

  • Feature: add test coverage for wallet limits module

  • Fix: remove linter ignore lines

Feature: add mock server (#262)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: CSRF Token protection (#270)

  • Feature: Support of CSRF Token protection introduced in barong 2.4
  • Bump version to 2.4.0

Co-authored-by: Camille <cmeulien@heliostech.fr>

Fix: do not display rejected profile in main info

Fix: font weight of body2

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

Fix: fetch user strictly after updating profile

Fix: display last verified on the left, list of created_at

Fix: display all profiles list on the left, fix styles

Fix: remove build expire from dockerfile

Fix: add wallet settings interface

Fix redeploy (#290)

Fix: update tslint rules (#288)

Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions (#234)

  • Fix: Update skipped, errored, accepted withdraws actions
  • Fix: Fetch skipped and confirming states on Pending Withdraws
  • Feature: Load Withdraw button

Fix: correct formatting of zero precision numbers (#277)

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email (#275)

  • Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

  • Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles


Feature: update v2.4 (#295)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #316 from openware/feature/tag-images

Merge pull request #314 from openware/feature/2-4-update

Merge pull request #301 from openware/feature/change-bitgo-variable-names

Merge pull request #299 from openware/feature/finex-order-cancel

Merge pull request #298 from openware/feature/bitgo-support

#Version 2.3.140

Released 2020-04-09

#Version 2.3.139

Released 2020-04-09

Fix: ecranization of '-' character inside regex

Fix: not capitalize Fee, add/edit fee form validation

#Version 2.3.138

Released 2020-01-24

Fix: trigger push & notify step on branch 2-3-stable

Update .drone.yml

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #276 from openware/fix/2-3-stable/push-to-sdk

#Version 2.3.137

Released 2020-01-24

Enhancement: Update sdk image (#252)

Enhauncement: update sdk version (#268)

Feature: add redirects user history (#265)

  • Feature: add redirects to history

  • Fix: add redirect to open orders

  • Fix: combine getTableCellLabel cases

Feature: add footer with openware link (#267)

Feature: add ability to set user fee group (#237)

  • Feature: add ability to set user fee group

  • Fix: change endpoint for GET fee group, call for update fee group

  • Fix: make fee group editable for admin user

Co-authored-by: josadcha <39953699+josadcha@users.noreply.github.com>

Feature: make currency options list dynamical (#266)

  • Feature: ability to add new properties when create currency

  • Fix: disable create option with empty key, fix sending options object on /new

Feature: add Deposit/Withdraw toggle buttons to edit Currency (#264)

  • Feature: add Deposit/Withdraw toggle buttons to edit Currency

  • Fix: display withdrawal/deposit toggle on create currency

Feature: add tips to adjustments create (#261)

  • Feature: add tip to asset code

  • Feature: add tooltips to receiving account number dropdown

Feature: add configurable IEO types list (#250)

Feature: update repository packages, move repo from react-scripts-ts to react-scripts, remove extra files (#253)

Feature: add version file

Feature: Update the CI to use SDK for version bumps (#243)

Fix: fetch new data after redirection inside user history tables

Fix: add redirection by maker/taker order email

Fix: change adjustments tips styles and text (#273)

  • Fix: change tips text

  • Fix: change select tips styles

Fix: update branches in .drone.yml

Fix: add dynamic display of beneficiary fields (#272)

  • Fix: add dynamin display of beneficiary fields

  • Fix: change render function according to review

Fix: missing orders state on filter action (#271)

  • Fix: missing orders state on filter action

  • Fix: remove Manual Adjustment from deposit table

Fix: modify footer styles (#269)

Fix: Update field muting (#259)

Fix: remove UNSAFE prefix (#254)

#Version 2.3.136

Released 2019-11-11

Fix: change orders history price display (#241)

#Version 2.3.135

Released 2019-11-11

Enhancement: Configure Tower Lite CI to use build args from env

  • Update the expiration date

#Version 2.3.134

Released 2019-11-07

Feature: Add configuration and troubleshooting docs (#239)

#Version 2.3.133

Released 2019-11-01

Fix: display topic field on create/update permission

Fix: Uncomment revenue and expense codes for adjustments

#Version 2.3.132

Released 2019-11-01

Fix: use default value for alert time, if it not set at env.js

#Version 2.3.131

Released 2019-11-01

Feature: Add deposit transaction links

#Version 2.3.130

Released 2019-10-31

Feature: Add cable show action on line for user tables

#Version 2.3.129

Released 2019-10-31

Fix: Add sale_id parameter to IEO history request

#Version 2.3.128

Released 2019-10-31

Feature: add footer on Lite version

#Version 2.3.127

Released 2019-10-30

Fix: Fetch both sides on cancelling order

Fix: markets dropdown on fee group creating

#Version 2.3.126

Released 2019-10-30

Fix: sort orderbook by price column

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #221 from openware/fix/orderbook

#Version 2.3.125

Released 2019-10-30

Fix: double redirection when click on uid/email in entity list

#Version 2.3.124

Released 2019-10-30

Feature: Lowercase market filter

#Version 2.3.123

Released 2019-10-29

Feature: add footer with openware link (#226)

#Version 2.3.122

Released 2019-10-28

Feature: Add a CI step for building Lite images

#Version 2.3.121

Released 2019-10-25

Added label for radio buttons section (#217)

#Version 2.3.120

Released 2019-10-25

Feature: add IEO history table (#218)

#Version 2.3.119

Released 2019-10-11

Fix: remove lockup percentage elements from IEO (#216)

#Version 2.3.118

Released 2019-10-11

Feature: IEO list, create IEO page (#206)

  • Feature: add IEO table screen

  • Feature: module for IEO list & IEO add

  • Fix: add new fields to ieo data interface

  • Feature: add page for creating ieo

  • Feature: add saga for edit, get item IEO

  • Feature: connect function to add IEO page

  • Feature: add Edit IEO page

  • Fix: ieo icon in sidebar

  • Feature: separate plugins entity, make it configurable through env.js

  • Fix: hide release modal on Edit IEO

  • Fix: change endpoint route to ieo/sales

  • Fix: change endpoint for getting ieo item

  • Fix: change edit IEO call to PUT

  • Fix: send id params for editing IEO

  • Fix: display low_goal parameter in IEO create/edit

  • Fix: move IEO item to plugins menu in SideBar

  • Fix: convert fee value to persentage

  • Feature: add date and time input to IEO component

  • Feature: add max buy amount field for IEO

  • Fix: change result input to radio buttons

  • Feature: add type property to IEO interface

  • Fix: add dropdown for editing state of IEO

  • Fix: redirect to IEO list after adding/editing IEO

  • Fix: form available states list to edit according to current IEO state

  • Feature: add equivalent & price columns to IEO list

  • Feature: Push source code to Tokenman repo

  • Fix: change IEO item in NavBar

  • Fix: add button for editing state, update IEO data on details page

  • Fix: add tests for helpers, components, remove tslint:disable rules

#Version 2.3.117

Released 2019-10-11

Feature: Push to gitolite latest master

Fix: display user referrer uid in User Profile (#215)

Fix: display withdraw with errored state in withdraw pending list (#212)

Fix: rename currency status variable to visible (#211)

#Version 2.3.115

Released 2019-10-02

Fix: display recaptcha depends on config (#210)

#Version 2.3.114

Released 2019-09-30

Feature: display user level in KYC steps component

#Version 2.3.113

Released 2019-09-30

Feature: edit user profile, resend email verification (#207)

  • Feature: add ability to edit fields of user profile

  • Feature: add saga for resend email confirmation

  • Feature: add resend email button

#Version 2.3.112

Released 2019-09-25

Feature: configurable kyc steps (#208)

  • Feature: customize labels for GRX

  • Feature: disable jumping between kyc steps

  • Feature: move to configurable labelSwitcher

Feature: use configurable KYC labels

  • Fix: check label value while deleting

  • Fix: edit label value on click, check for private scope

  • Fix: define label array

#Version 2.3.111

Released 2019-09-13

Fix: orders, blockchains filter (#204)

  • Fix: rename filter param Type -> Side on Orders

  • Fix: remove order_by filter param for Blockchains

#Version 2.3.110

Released 2019-09-13

Fix: remove unexisting param from operations filter (#202)

#Version 2.3.109

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: action buttons are not displaying on Withdraw Fiat (#203)

#Version 2.3.108

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: change withdraw crypto process actions (#201)

#Version 2.3.107

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: pretify git tag in dashboard (#199)

#Version 2.3.106

Released 2019-09-12

Feature: add ability to add/remove labels by click on switch (#191)

#Version 2.3.105

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: restriction modal window, rename blacklist to restrictions (#198)

#Version 2.3.104

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: display manual adjustment if txid is empty (#197)

#Version 2.3.103

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: update Table components, remove Amount column from expenses, ordering for operations (#196)

#Version 2.3.102

Released 2019-09-12

Fix: add formating for created_at on withdraws (#195)

#Version 2.3.101

Released 2019-09-12

Feature: add route for displaying filter and refresh buttons in navbar (#194)

#Version 2.3.100

Released 2019-09-12

Feature: add export for orders (#193)

#Version 2.3.99

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: separate fiat/coin withdrawals (#192)

#Version 2.3.98

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: remove unnecessary call on Lialibilities page (#190)

#Version 2.3.97

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: server internal error on creating fiat currency (#189)

#Version 2.3.96

Released 2019-09-11

Feature: add Expenses tab to Operations page (#188)

#Version 2.3.95

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: modals styles (#187)

  • Fix: remove unnecessary filters from Pending Doc

  • Fix: show all btn position

  • Fix: add opacity to settings icons

  • Fix: add/edit Restriction modal styles

  • Fix: rewrite add/edit User Label Modal

  • Feature: add modal for cancelling one order

#Version 2.3.94

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: maker/taker fees precision (#186)

#Version 2.3.93

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: styles on info pages (#185)

#Version 2.3.92

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: minor update (#184)

  • Fix: remove openware logo from login form

  • Fix: update users directory fields for filter

  • Fix: from/to params for withdraws pending request

  • Fix: udpate adjustments table

  • Feature: add ordering on operations and deposits

#Version 2.3.91

Released 2019-09-11

Feature: Add filter on blockchains/wallets/trading_fees (#177)

#Version 2.3.90

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: header buttons (#183)

  • Fix: display fikter and refresh button in UserDirectory

  • Fix: display cancel all on OpenOrders tab

#Version 2.3.89

Released 2019-09-11

Feature: add filter for Operations page (#171)

  • Feature: add filter for Assets page

  • Feature: filters for Liabilities page

  • Feature: filters for Revenue page

  • Feature: filters for Currencies page

  • Feature: filters for Orders page

  • Feature: connect orders tab to routes

  • Fix: don't send number params if they're empty

  • Feature: connect Operations tab to routes

  • Feature: add filters for Restrictions

  • Feature: connect User Profile tabs to router

  • Feature: add filters for User Open Orders

#Version 2.3.88

Released 2019-09-11

Feature: Login page with new styles (#163)

  • Feature: Login component style update

  • Fix: remove empty poppoer element on Login Page

  • Feature: new styles for Login page

#Version 2.3.87

Released 2019-09-11

Feature: add recaptcha (#47)

  • Feature: add google recaptcha

  • Fix: add package for google-recapctha types

#Version 2.3.86

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: display txid and display buttons for accept/reject actions on deposit create (#182)

#Version 2.3.85

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: from/to filter values for peatio admin api (#181)

#Version 2.3.84

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: rework user info logic, move user activities to users containers folder (#180)

#Version 2.3.83

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: change decs to desc on adjustments (#179)

#Version 2.3.82

Released 2019-09-11

Fix: add missing code field to operations tables (#176)

#Version 2.3.81

Released 2019-09-10

Feature: add region and country in list, add adjustments ordering by desc (#178)

  • Feature: adjustments ordering by decs

  • Feature: add country and region to scope of restrictions list

#Version 2.3.80

Released 2019-09-10

Add export ability (#167)

  • Feature: add export ability

  • Feature: add export list functionality

  • Fix: pagination for trades page

  • Fix: pagination for withdraws page

#Version 2.3.79

Released 2019-09-10

Fix: change key it table for restrictions (#175)

#Version 2.3.78

Released 2019-09-09

Fix: get extended user pending data (#174)

#Version 2.3.77

Released 2019-09-09

Feature: display filter button on pending application screen (#173)

#Version 2.3.76

Released 2019-09-09

Feature: add filter for pending application screen (#172)

#Version 2.3.75

Released 2019-09-09

Fix: filter from/to data in request (#170)

#Version 2.3.74

Released 2019-09-09

Fix: clear fields in restrictions (#169)

#Version 2.3.73

Released 2019-09-09

Feature: get data for deposits, orders, trades, withdraws lists sorted (#168)

#Version 2.3.72

Released 2019-09-09

Fix: style correction for Components (#164)

  • Add overlay on sidebar open
  • Header buttons and breadcrumbs on hover
  • TextField inputs customization
  • Remove unnecessary shades of blue
  • Manage all submit buttons styles
  • Add underline for table links
  • Modal remove blue outline
  • Change add button for lables as on mockups
  • Set all tables rows to same height

#Version 2.3.71

Released 2019-09-09

Feature: add filter for adjustments and operators (#165)

  • Feature: add filter for adjustments

  • Feature: add filters for operators

#Version 2.3.70

Released 2019-09-09

Feature: Improve filter component (#148)

  • Feature: add smart filter to the platform

  • Feature: add filters for deposits list

  • Feature: add filters for trades

  • Feature: add filters to Withdraw page

  • Feature: add filter to Withdraws Pending page

  • Fix: move getItemFromRequest function to helpers

#Version 2.3.69

Released 2019-09-09

Fix: apply precision on user balances page (#161)

#Version 2.3.68

Released 2019-09-09

Fix: refactor withdraw modules (#160)

  • Feature: remove unused withdraw/pending saga

  • Fix: split withdrawsList & withdrawsPendingList to one module

  • Fix: use withdraws history module for user's withdraw

  • Fix: fetching withdraw history for user on Withdraw Details

Fix: update configs for using svg images (#159)

Fix: user documents page error (#158)

Fix: change withdraw coin action to process (#157)

#Version 2.3.67

Released 2019-09-07

Fix: fetch user open orders with uid param after cancel (#156)

#Version 2.3.66

Released 2019-09-07

Fix: lost parameter state while chnage page on OpenOrders (#155)

Fix: buttons on adjustment && unify errors (#154)

  • Fix: buttons on deposit info component

  • Feature: unify peation admin errors

#Version 2.3.65

Released 2019-09-07

Fix: return 301 and 302 codes for adjustments (#153)

#Version 2.3.64

Released 2019-09-07

Fix: hide 3xx and 4xx codes in adjustments (#152)

#Version 2.3.63

Released 2019-09-07

Fix: minor style fixes (#151)

#Version 2.3.62

Released 2019-09-07

Feature: add order cancel event to User Profile, Markets (#150)

  • Fix: change 'config' to 'configuration' name

  • Fix: order cancel

  • Fix: call cancel order with appropriate payload

#Version 2.3.61

Released 2019-09-07

Fix: disable precisions on markets (#149)

#Version 2.3.60

Released 2019-09-07

Feature: deposit create (#145)

  • Feature: add create deposit modal UI

  • Feature: add create deposit saga

  • Feature: add create deposit item to header

  • Fix: display only fiat currencies in create deposit

#Version 2.3.59

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: fetch orders after cancel (#147)

#Version 2.3.58

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: fetch orders after cancek (#146)

#Version 2.3.57

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: withdraw fiat details (#142)

  • Feature: add Withdraw Fiat component

  • Feature: display '-' if bank data not exists

  • Fix: send 'accept' on fiat and 'dispatch' on coin withdraw

#Version 2.3.56

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: Dashboard style corrections (#144)

#Version 2.3.55

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: reject/process deposit actions (#134)

  • Feature: process/reject deposit sagas

  • Feature: add reject/process action to Deposit component

  • Fix: send 'accept' on fiat and 'dispatch' on coin deposit

#Version 2.3.54

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: implement cancel orders ability (#141)

#Version 2.3.53

Released 2019-09-06

Fix: edit only value on labels (#143)

#Version 2.3.52

Released 2019-09-06

Fix: destroy user session on tower, if he has member role (#138)

Revert "Fix: destroy user session on tower, if he has member role (#138)" (#140)

This reverts commit e7a3abbc3440d5da39eb8455c017b1825a52f42f.

#Version 2.3.51

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: Add quay.io push step to drone

Fix: remove duplicate drone steps (#139)

#Version 2.3.50

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: reject/process/load withdraw actions (#133)

  • Feature: add reject/process/load withdraw saga

  • Fix: fetch withdraw item as separate state

  • Fix: add new API calls to withdraw root saga

  • Feature: add process/reject/load actions to Withdraw component

  • Fix: withdraw is not defined

#Version 2.3.49

Released 2019-09-06

Fix: minor fixes: filter closing, trades table, currency, user info trades table, fee autocomplete, grid console errors, balances total, referral uid (#132)

  • Fix: minor fixes: filter closing, trades table, currency, user info trades table

  • Fix: remove console errors

  • Fix: add precision 2 for persentage of maker/taker fee

#Version 2.3.48

Released 2019-09-06

Feature: Implement Navbar hover (#135)

  • Feature: Add hover to Navbar items

  • Feature: Add a new snapshot

  • Feature: Fix active Navbar item

  • Fix: remove linter disabling

#Version 2.3.47

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: change range to timestamp format (#131)

#Version 2.3.46

Released 2019-09-05

Feature: adding Mui Theme system and style fixes for main Components (#129)

  • Feature: Adding Mui Theme system

  • Feature: style fixes for main Components

  • Current navbar

  • Main navbar

  • Table Component

  • Toolbar

  • Change route from blacklist to restriction

#Version 2.3.45

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: Handle add/edit success redirect from saga (#125)

#Version 2.3.44

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: selection rows style on Pending Documnets (#126)

#Version 2.3.43

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: check if profile is not null on UserProfile (#127)

#Version 2.3.42

Released 2019-09-05

Feature: add referral uid field to User Directory & User Profile (#124)

#Version 2.3.41

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: delete fee saga, fetch list inside saga on delete/edit/add (#121)

  • Fix: delete fee saga, fetch list inside saga on delete/edit/add

  • Fix: change Edit modal header, prefill Edit modal fields

#Version 2.3.40

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: Navbar selection & disable filters for few pages (#120)

  • Fix: Navbar selection & disable filters for few pages

  • Fix: remove label and name from filter

  • Fix: get users by filter with extended

  • Fix: remove empty space on dashboard

#Version 2.3.39

Released 2019-09-05

Feature: add Deposit Details page (#119)

  • Feature: add Deposit Details page

  • Fix: delete fee saga, fetch list inside saga on delete/edit/add

  • Fix: fetch deposit item as list

#Version 2.3.38

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: display markets name uppercase in breadcrump (#123)

#Version 2.3.37

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: market update container (#122)

#Version 2.3.36

Released 2019-09-05

Fix: change requests for markets create/edit (#114)

  • Fix: change requests for markets create/edit

  • Fix: remove max_amount for markets

#Version 2.3.35

Released 2019-09-04

Feature: Add Adjustments pages (#93)

#Version 2.3.34

Released 2019-09-04

Fix: add arrows to tables, reorganize directories (#118)

  • Fix: reorganize wallets, fix wallets and blockchains tables

  • Fix: reorganize User directory

#Version 2.3.33

Released 2019-09-04

Fix: edit permission saga, pagination (#106)

  • Fix: edit permission saga

  • Fix: lost pagination on edit/delete/create click

  • Fix: fetch data after edit/add/delete action

  • Fix: Permission Modal styles of input forms

#Version 2.3.32

Released 2019-09-04

Fix: minor table cell fixes (#115)

#Version 2.3.31

Released 2019-09-04

Fix: add pagination to orderbook tables (#107)

  • Fix: add pagination to orderbook tables

  • Fix: change rowsPerPage asks affect changing bids rowsPerPage

  • Fix: add missing prop page to Orderbook Tables

#Version 2.3.30

Released 2019-09-04

Feature: withdraw details page (#97)

  • Feature: withdraw details styles

  • Feature: open WithdrawDetails page on row Click

  • Feature: connect withdraw details to backend

  • Fix: define props in WithdrawInfo Component

  • Fix: calculation of total user balance

  • Fix: update page context on redirect to another withdraw

#Version 2.3.29

Released 2019-09-04

Fix: redirect to login if session is expired (#112)

#Version 2.3.28

Released 2019-09-04

Fix: change action for filter, fix navbar modal opening, update capitalize helper (#111)

#Version 2.3.27

Released 2019-09-04

Feature: Implement filter component (#104)

#Version 2.3.26

Released 2019-09-04

Feature: change markets flow (#110)

#Version 2.3.25

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: style changes for header, sidebar, table components (#108)

#Version 2.3.24

Released 2019-09-03

Fix: add routes to user info screen, add redirections for /edit pages (#109)

  • Fix: push to user info page by clicking on his uid or email

  • Fix: add redirect to edit pages

#Version 2.3.23

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: Implement add/edit Wallet pages (#66)

#Version 2.3.22

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: Add network blacklist (#55)

  • Feature: Add network blacklist

  • Feature: connect ability to open modal for restrictions

#Version 2.3.21

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: style correction for Components (#101)

  • orderbook page
  • blockchains add/edit page
  • currencies add/edit page
  • extra padding for operators model
  • hide logout text on small current sidebar
  • border bottom for all tabs
  • sidebar alignment as on mockups

#Version 2.3.20

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: Ability to add/delete/edit trading fees (#102)

  • Feature: Ability to add/delete/edit tradinf fees

  • Feature: connect ability to open modal to trading fees page, add request for getting permissions after adding/removing/editing permission

#Version 2.3.19

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: add ability to create permissions through modal (#105)

  • Feature: add ability to open modal through navbar

  • Feature: connect ability to open modal tp permissions page

#Version 2.3.18

Released 2019-09-03

Feature: add common Modal Component, add CreatePermission modal, add ability to edit/delete permission (#100)

  • Feature: add common Modal Component, add CreatePermission modal

  • Feature: add saga for edit, add, delete permission

Feature: add function to open Create Permission modal

  • Feature: add Edit label Modal, delete permission onClick

  • Feature: add Permission modal

#Version 2.3.17

Released 2019-09-03

Fix: Routing & Layout (#103)

  • Fix: Router link functionality

  • Fix: Navbar routing & breadcrumbs

#Version 2.3.16

Released 2019-09-02

Fix: remove extra items from NavBar and Router (#99)

#Version 2.3.15

Released 2019-09-02

Feature: Add header icons (#96)

  • Feature: Add header icons depending on a pathname

  • Feature: Update Navbar snapshot

  • Feature: Remove comments in Navbar

  • Feature: Update MarketCreate request

  • Feature: Add router to Navbar

#Version 2.3.14

Released 2019-09-02

Fix: technical user role can't login (#54)

Fix: quick hotfix for current sidebar (#98)

#Version 2.3.13

Released 2019-08-31

Feature: add Orderbook page (#95)

#Version 2.3.12

Released 2019-08-31

Feature: add MarketEdit & MarketAdd (#72)

  • Feature: Add market page
  • Feature: Add sagas for market
  • Feature: Add market update
  • Feature: Refactor market update
  • Feature: Remove bind from constructor
  • Feature: Add MarketEdit & Market create
  • Feature: Move components to a common folder
  • Feature: Add createMarketSaga & make components from icons function
  • Feature: Revert function changes
  • Feature: Revert function changes & update test snapshots

#Version 2.3.11

Released 2019-08-31

Feature: rewrite Pending Documents page (#94)

#Version 2.3.10

Released 2019-08-30

Add ability to get tower version (#88)

#Version 2.3.9

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: improvements for Sidebar panel menu (#76)

#Version 2.3.8

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: add operations screen (#92)

#Version 2.3.7

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: Trading Fees Implementation (#91)

#Version 2.3.6

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: small style correction for Wallets page (#69)

#Version 2.3.5

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: add permissions list page (#90)

Feature: Add currency add page (#65)

#Version 2.3.4

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: add env REACT_APP_GIT_SHA to display git tag (#87)

#Version 2.3.3

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: Operators Screen (#86)

  • Feature: rewrite AdminActivity page using Table Compoenent

  • Fix: remove unused Tables from components

#Version 2.3.2

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: update user history tables, orders and add user documents (#85)

  • Fix: remove hardcoded api call

  • Feature: split orders to Open Orders & Orders History (#82)

  • Feature: add User Documents table Container (#81)

  • Feature: add User Documents table Container

  • Fix: add missing column for doc type

  • Fix: change names of user history table columns (#84)

#Version 2.3.1

Released 2019-08-30

Feature: user info + deposits, withdraws, withdraws pending and trades lists

Feature: Add ability to create/edit blockchain (#70)

Feature: add responsive for Tower (#71)

  • Feature: add responsive Table Component

  • Feature: add responsive submenu in SidePanel

Feature: Add Bread crumbs (#75)

Feature: add Orders List Table (#73)

Feature: add tab panel component (#57)

Feature: add routes and connected to backend container for BlockchainAdd, BlockchainEdit (#68)

  • Feature: add modules for updating and creating blockchains

  • Feature: add routes and connected to backend container for BlockchainAdd, BlockchainEdit

Feature: add blockchains, currencies, markets and wallets screens (#64)

  • Feature: add types for list items
  • Fix: remove UsersTable component
  • Fix: remove label from Table component
  • Feature: add blockchains, currencies, markets and wallets screens

Feature: New Folder structure in containers directory (#63)

Feature: add modules for wallets, markets, currencies and blockchains (#62)

  • Feature: add peatio to requestBuilder
  • Feature: add modules for wallets, markets, currencies and blockchains

Feature: add new Table component, rewrite Users table and activities with new Table component (#61)

Feature: Add all new routes with simple containers (#60)

Feature: Implement new sidebar (#58)

Feature: Update top bar according to mockups (#59)

Feature: add git hooks

Feature: update tslint.json, fix the repo with new configs

Feature: add logic for displaying current item in navbar

Feature: add icon to menu title

Feature: add logic for CurrentNavBar component

Feature: add CurrentNavBar component

Feature: add icons for menu items

Feature: dropdown menu popover

Feature: move NavBar items to constants

Fix: Remove tslint disable from NavBar component (#78)

Fix: redirect to new page (#67)

Fix: close popover menu on close SideBar

Fix: display admin activitity only for superadmin

Update drone pipeline (#83)

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #80 from openware/tower-v2 MINOR

#Version 2.2.8

Released 2019-07-17

Fix: keep search params on changing page

#Version 2.2.7

Released 2019-07-17

Fix: error when switching between activities pages

Fix: parse nested JSON data

#Version 2.2.6

Released 2019-07-12

Fix: admin can't find user by full country name

#Version 2.2.5

Released 2019-07-03

Remove mapfiles from build

#Version 2.2.4

Released 2019-07-02

Fix: info button style, error on switch between pages (#45)

  • Fix: info button style, error on switch between pages

  • Fix: make Admin Activities table to fit the screen

#Version 2.2.3

Released 2019-07-01

#Version 2.2.2

Released 2019-07-01

Fix: change default isLoading field for currentuser, add flag for pending route

#Version 2.2.1

Released 2019-06-27

Update package.json

#Version 0.1.27

Released 2019-06-27

Feature: add data popover to admin activities

Fix: parse data in saga, add tests

Fix: InfoPopper check for data props, selectIndex

#Version 0.1.26

Released 2019-06-27

Feature: update auth flow for tower

Fix: add currentUser error action

#Version 0.1.25

Released 2019-06-27

Fix: change API for change user role

#Version 0.1.24

Released 2019-06-19

Fix: handle Enter press on Edit label modal

Fix: handle Enter press on Search Bar

#Version 0.1.23

Released 2019-06-18

Fix: navbar items highlight

#Version 0.1.22

Released 2019-06-17

Fix: add missing field topic for activities

Fix: display Admin Activities only for superadmin

Fix: change target_uid parameter

#Version 0.1.21

Released 2019-06-13

Feature: add admin activity (#21)

  • Feature: add admin activity

  • Feature: add search bar to Admin activities

Fix: modify admin activity data interface

Fix: admin activity search params, redirect to user profile by email

  • Fix: change put request to post

#Version 0.1.20

Released 2019-06-13

Fix: onClick color of NavBar item

#Version 0.1.19

Released 2019-06-13

Fix: user activities search params

Fix: remove nonexistent pages from navbar

Fix: sidebar state

#Version 0.1.18

Released 2019-06-12

Add Slack notification

Add drone-ci pipeline

Add actions with users (#11)

  • Add actions with user's labels

Add multistage Dockerfile using wio

Add docker image for development

Adding a Material Button

Change favicon, Tab app name, menu

Changing mountpoint of the application

Connect redux to application (#8)

  • Connect redux
    • Implement login event through redux
    • Implement logout
    • Implement ability to get all users
    • Implement ability to get user data by uid

Creating project structure

Feature: improve drone pipeline

Feature: add search bar to Pending Documents (#23)

  • Feature: add search bar to Pending Documents

  • Fix: remove date filter, add margin after search bar

  • Fix: list of search parametres on pending documents

  • Fix: dropdown search parametres on activities page

  • Fix: filter selected list after search request

  • Fix: check select all button when all items is selected

  • Fix: add document list to user interface

  • Fix: remove double footer on Login page

  • Fix: remove hardcoded number of attachments

  • Fix: configure pending users interface with backend improvements

Feature: render empty page on Orders, Orderbooks

Feature: date picker (#25)

  • Feature: date picker

Feature: ability to display user nationality from metadata on user profile page

Feature: [User activities & User Directory] add search bar

Feature: change roles as superadmin

Feature: pending users tab (#10)

  • Feature: pending users tab

  • Feature: add select actions, change documents pending saga

  • Feature: receive data with user profile, add request to approve/reject buttons

  • Fix: update snapshot and fix label key for call

  • Fix: labels call, state update, content

  • Fix: navbar pending route

  • Fix: isolate pending users, fixes

Feature: Add dockerfile for obfuscated builds

Feature: refactor user profile tab (#7)

  • Feature: add popover documents image

  • Feature: add user settings component

  • Feature: change user profile UI

  • Feature: refactor layout on user profile

  • Feature: change Layout on user info, add KYC board

  • Feature: new Label styles

  • Feature: new Documents table

Feature: [helper] build query string

Feature: rework router for managing user browser history

Feature: add SearchBar component

  • Feature: add SearchBar component
    • Feature: add SearchBar container
    • Feature: add tests for SearchBar
    • Fix: update indexes of existing elems in search bar

Feature: add tests for components and containers

Feature: add WithdrawListInfoTable and WithdrawInfo screens

  • Feature: add WithdrawListInfoTable component
    • Feature: add WithdrawInfo component
    • Feature: update tests
    • Feature: add withdrawsList module
    • Feature: add components and containers related to WithdrawInfo screen
    • Feature: add modules for WithdrawInfo screen
    • Feature: add tests for WithdrawInfo and WithdrawUserTable modules
    • Fix: change styles for withdrawInfo components

Feature: rework request builder

Feature: Add obfuscator, time and domain lock

Feature: add dashboard

Feature: add user activities (#5)

  • Feature: add user activities to profile page

Feature: Build with mock server on push

Feature: Add side drawer for the menu (#3)

  • Feature: Add side drawer for the menu

  • Fix: table styles according to new mock-ups

Feature: call signIn function by pressing enter (#34)

Feature: update table with users, add ability to search users by labels (#33)

  • Feature: add state column to table

  • Feature: add ability to search users via labels

  • Feature: update hash url via requests for getting users

Feature: add tests for components and containers (#32)

  • Feature: add tests for components

  • Feature: add tests for containers

Feature: improve drone pipeline

Feature: update tslint.json

  • Feature: add new rules for tslint.json
    • Fix: update repository with new ts-rules

Feature: add tests for modules

  • Feature: add tests for alert module
    • Feature: add tests for auth module
    • Feature: add tests for changeUser module
    • Feature: add tests for label module
    • Feature: add tests for userData module
    • Feature: add tests for users module

Feature: add jest helper

Feature: update configs

  • Feature: add enzyme
    • Fix: fix components in repository
    • Fix: update tsconfig
    • Feature: add tslint.json
    • Fix: update files with tslint rules
    • Fix: remove rewriting of tsconfig, when application is starting

Feature: global update of repository Feature: rework InfoTable component Feature: make pagination Feature: add ability to search users Fix: remove state from UserData component Fix: remove state from Navbar component Feature: add dropdown and search field for searching users Fix: change structure of modules Fix: change structure of repository Feature: add alert component Feature: add helper for converting errors to usual text

Feature: add ability to change url for barong in requests (#26)

  • Feature: add ability to change url for barong in requests

Feature: add automatisation for display metadata (#16)

Fix: navbar text mistake

Fix: change sidebar state to open by default

Fix: refactor NavBar file

Fix: redirection to /tower while refreshing the page

Fix: redirect to login page when session cookie is time-outed

Fix: refactor components file names

Fix: position of Date picker fields

Fix: fix console warning from Material-UI

Fix: stick alert position to header

Fix: empty label tsble styles

Fix: ability to open add label modal

Fix: replace default alert messages with custom one

Fix: add margin after search [Activities]

Fix: highlight selected NavBar item

Fix: mockserver configuration in drone pipeline

Fix: squash withdrawListTable to one component

Fix: sagas test & change path for route

Fix: styles according mockups

Fix: move Layout to containers

Fix: refactor layout, add pure withdrawList container

Fix: layout margin

Fix: change default scope value

Fix: remove the (broken) previous link on user profile page (#37)

Fix: incorrect route to search pending documents (#35)

Fix: update place for test files

Fix: refactor UserData

  • Fix: rework UserData component
    • Feature: add UserData tests

Fix: hide unused elements from tower (#22)

Fix: OPEX-301 add 2fa to login (#21)

  • Fix: add 2fa to login

Fix: update user page after changing (#20)

Fix: add keys to grids in profile, handle null profile, add error alerts (#19)

  • Fix: add keys to grids in profile

  • Fix: handle null profile and server errors

Fix: correct display of rare countries and fix findPhone function (#17)

  • Fix: correct display of rare countries and findPhone function

  • Fix: add tests for helpers and refactore UserData component

Fix: edit label modal with request (#18)

Fix: images links and temporary remove metadata (#15)

Fix: changeUserRole and changeUserState requests (#14)

  • Fix: changeUserRole and changeUserState requests

  • Fix: UserData deleteLabel props

  • Fix: links color

  • Feature: add functionality to 2FA switch

Fix frontend for UserData and UserTable (#13)

  • Fix frontend for UserData and UserTable

  • Fix loginpage and modal

  • Add userData fields

  • Fix identity session

  • Add state for UserData and changeRole dropdown

  • Add findPhone function and metadata, update components UserData and AddLabelModal

  • Add Table component with sorting and pagination

  • Add country-code package

  • Add keys to Table Component

  • Fix: rework signin event

Initial commit from Create React App

Renaming application

Pull Requests

Merge pull request #5 from openware/feature/menu