
Applogic: Withdraw Limits

#Base Overview

  • All withdraw requests are going through Applogic API
  • On a fly all withdraw request amounts recalculates to choosen (by seed) currency
  • Applogic can be reject or proceed withdraw, depending on recalculated amount, user level and withdraw limit
  • Withdraw limits can be specified for period, user level and be limited in N ccy
  • Several withdraw limits can have an affect on the same user level but with different periods and limits
  • Withdraw limit can have an affect on all levels if you not scrictly specify one
  • Withdraw period can have an infinity value if you not scrictly specify one
  • Withdraw will be rejected by applogic if it doesnt fit in all levels

#Seed examples

Typically, seeds.yml format (file with configuration for withdraw limit seed) looks like

# withdraw limits
  - # specify currency
    currency: btc
  - # specify levels(optionally), periods(optionally) and limits
    - level: 1
      period: 24
      limit: 1
    - level: 2
      period: 24
      limit: 2
    - level: 3
      period: 24
      limit: 10

This yml will create 3 WithdrawLimit records:

  • 1 btc for level 1 in a 24h period
  • 2 btc for level 2 in a 24h period
  • 10 btc for level 3 in a 24h period

More rare case with specifying a limit for all levels or infinity period for the level will look like:

# withdraw limits
  - # specify currency
    currency: btc
  - # specify levels(optionally), periods(optionally) and limits
    - period: 48
      limit: 1
    - level: 2
      limit: 2
    - limit: 10

Result of this example will be:

  • 1 btc for all levels in 48h period
  • 2 btc for 2 level without time range
  • 10 btc for all levels without time range