Peatio has a simple way to integrate with CoinMarketCap
This doc includes technical documentation needed to formulate/standardize exchange API endpoints.
Exchanges are expected to minimally support the mandatory endpoints outlined below along with their corresponding mandatory data-points for integration.
- Overview of market data for all tickers and all markets[
"trading_pairs": "Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/quote",
"base_currency": "Symbol/currency code of base currency",
"quote_currency": "Symbol/currency code of base currency",
"last_price": "Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency",
"lowest_ask": "Lowest Ask price of base currency based on given quote currency",
"highest_bid": "Highest bid price of base currency based on given quote currency",
"base_volume": "24-hr volume of market pair denoted in BASE currency",
"quote_volume": "24-hr volume of market pair denoted in QUOTE currency",
"price_change_percent_24h": "24-hr % price change of market pair",
"highest_price_24h": "Highest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs",
"lowest_price_24h": "Lowest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs"
- The assets endpoint is to provide a detailed summary for each available currency[
"name": "Full name of cryptocurrency",
"unified_cryptoasset_id": "Unique ID of cryptocurrency assigned by Unified Cryptoasset ID",
"can_withdraw": "Identifies whether withdrawals are enabled or disabled",
"can_deposit": "Identifies whether deposits are enabled or disabled",
"min_withdraw": "Identifies the single minimum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency"
- The ticker endpoint is to provide a 24-hour pricing and volume summary for each available market pair available [
"base_id": "The quote pair Unified Cryptoasset ID",
"quote_id": "The base pair Unified Cryptoasset ID",
"last_price": "Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency",
"base_volume": "24-hour trading volume denoted in BASE currency",
"quote_volume": "24 hour trading volume denoted in QUOTE currency",
"isFrozen": "Indicates if the market is currently enabled (0) or disabled (1)"
- The order book endpoint is to provide a complete level 2 order book (arranged by best asks/bids) with full depth returned for a given market pair [
"timestamp": "Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the last updated time occurred",
// An array containing 2 elements. The offer price and quantity for each bid order
// An array containing 2 elements. The ask price and quantity for each ask order
- The trades endpoint is to return data on all recently completed trades for a given market pair [
"trade_id": "A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transaction",
"price": "Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency",
"base_volume": "Transaction amount in BASE currency",
"quote_volume": "Transaction amount in QUOTE currency",
"timestamp": "Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the transaction occurred",
"type": "Used to determine whether or not the transaction originated as a buy or sell"