
Openware HDWallet plugin - Features

#Generate address

Make sure you have a deposit wallet configured, see Ethereum configuration, HECO configuration or BSC configuration for details.

There are 3 options to test:

From rails console

# Find deposit wallet and save it to variable
w = Wallet.find(id)
service = WalletService.new(w)
service.create_address!(uid, {})
# response

From API call


// response
  "currencies": ["bigo","cro","eth"],

From peatio daemon

To check if there is some problem with user address generation you should check amqp-daemon-deposit-coin-address daemon logs

To verify address information has right format

# Find deposit wallet and member configuration
wallet = Wallet.find(id)
member = Member.find_by(email 'your email')
# Find member payment address
payment_address = PaymentAddress.find_by(wallet_id: wallet.id, member_id: member.id)
# In payment address secret should be information about passphrase (encrypted password from private key)
# In payment address details should be information about wallet index, and coin type
{"wallet_index"=>2, "coin_type"=>"eth"}

#Create transaction

To test create transaction you should have all configuration described on create_address step for all wallets related to your currency (especially deposit, hot wallet)

Be sure that you have blockchain configured before doing transaction and this blockchain-key connected both for currency and wallets! Blockchain server parameter should be the same as url parameter in wallet settings (blockchain node url or infura url)


  • Deposit some funds to your created address
  • Check logs of daemon-deposit
  • You can get information about deposit status from rails console, admin tower or your wallet page


  • Transfer funds from your account
  • Check logs of amqp-daemon-withdraw-coin about withdraw status from rails console, admin tower or your wallet page

#Fetch wallet balance

To test load balance you should have all configuration described on create_address step for all wallets related to your currency (deposit, hot, warm, cold)

There are 2 options to test:

From rails console

Find deposit wallet and save it to variable:

w = Wallet.find(id)
# response

From Admin API call


Example of response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Test wallet",
  "kind": "deposit",
  "currencies": ["fth","seele"],
  "address": "changeme",
  "gateway": "parity",
  "max_balance": "212.0",
  "balance": {
    "fth": "2.3",
    "seele": "223.3"
  "blockchain_key": "eth-testnet",
  "status": "active",
  "created_at": "2020-09-10T17:53:03+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2020-10-20T05:00:49+02:00"