
Barong KYCAID configuration

In Barong 2.5 and higher you can use the external KyC provider (KYCAID)[https://www.kycaid.com/] to fully automated your KYC process.

Basic configuration

Barong now support 2 ways of managing KYC - local and kycaid. You can switch between them using BARONG_KYC_PROVIDER env. By default this ENV has kycaid, as a value. If you set localas a value, then legacy flow will be turned on. Profile and Document steps will require manual admin approve from tower.

Credentials configuration

Once every credential is setted up correctly KYCAID will work in Barong out of the box. Lets see what we need to set up to make it work properly:

1) We need to set up a bucket for storing docs (docs submitted by user will be stored both in barong and on KYCAID side) Basic creds needed for that should be set in envs: barong_storage_provider, barong_storage_bucket_name, barong_storage_access_key, barong_storage_secret_key. More about available options read here: Barong storage configuration 2) We need to set up authorization creds for KYCAID (get one on official site https://www.kycaid.com/). ENVs for that available under namings: barong_kycaid_authorization_token - for auth secret token, barong_kycaid_sandbox_mode - for switching between test mode and prod mode (true by default) 3) Be sure to check if barong_domain ENV has a correct value including https: at the beginning. This ENV configures the callback url, so its improtant. 4) Be sure to check BARONG_REQUIRED_DOCS_EXPIRE ENV value to be false if you want to include address verification in your KYC process. You can set it to true if only document check needed. 5) Check if in the authz_rules.yml file you have permitted path - api/v2/barong/public in the pass module. This allows platform to receive callback, as it is in the public module 6) Check if in the barong.yml file you have correct list of document_types. Be sure, that you have at least this values inside:

  • Passport
  • Identity card
  • Driver license
  • Address


Dont forget to check if your deployment / local installation has running sidekiq. As soon as all the jobs are running a-sync, we use sidekiq to interact with KYCAID in order to make user verification fast and clear from user point of view.

Sidekiq runs with a command bundle exec sidekiq with the same image and ENVs as barong.

Verification flow explanation

First 2 common steps of KYC remains unchanged. We still use internal email verification and phone verification using Twilio.

Profile step

After user has submitted profile - we send a request to KYCAID, registering this user in KYCAID database and creating a n applicant record for him. At this step no additional checks provided by KYCAID team.

Document step

User can submit docs (2 or 3), depending on the type he choose. It can be passport, it can be driver license, etc. User need to provide photo of first page of document, second page if needed and SELFIE. After user has submitted all the docs, we send them to the bucket, configured by platform (to save them internally and show on tower) and also send files to KYCAID, downloading them to KYCAID database.

After that Barong triggers verification request with 2 types - DOCUMENT check and FACIAL check. From this moment verifications and checks are performing on KYCAID side (check their site and contact support to find out more about algorithms here https://www.kycaid.com/). KYCAID team sends back a callback with decision. In our system, both FACIAL and DOCUMENT resolutes to one label, with key = document, so if one of those verifications fails - end user will get reject on his verification attempt. If verification decision is approve user will automatically get updated label to verified and corresponding level.

Address step

Address step implemented pretty the same, as previous, document one. User sumbits document, that proves his residence. After user has submitted all the docs, we send them to the bucket, configured by platform (to save them internally and show on tower) and also send files to KYCAID, downloading them to KYCAID database. After that Barong triggers verification request with only 1 type - ADDRESS. After all verification process on the KYCAID side BARONG receives callback with decision. If its positive - user get his level and address:verified label.