This document explain how to create an API key on barong using the UI or command line tool. This API key can be used to access each micro-service in the cluster protected by barong authentication. Read below an example how to use the API key.
Install httpie
Login into your account using httpie
http --session barong_session https://your.domain/api/v2/barong/identity/sessions \
[email protected] password=changeme otp_code=000000
Example of response:
"created_at": "2020-06-01T07:01:20Z",
"csrf_token": "f5b36515a428328e199a",
"data": "{\"language\":\"en\"}",
"data_storages": [],
"email": "[email protected]",
"labels": [
"created_at": "2020-06-01T07:01:45Z",
"key": "email",
"scope": "private",
"updated_at": "2020-06-01T07:01:45Z",
"value": "verified"
"level": 5,
"otp": true,
"phones": [
"country": "FR",
"number": "33*****0471",
"validated_at": "2020-06-01T07:03:18.000Z"
"profiles": [],
"referral_uid": null,
"role": "member",
"state": "active",
"uid": "IDAF1AED1A42",
"updated_at": "2020-10-22T18:01:09Z"
http --session barong_session
http --session barong_session \
algorithm=HS256 totp_code=681757 x-csrf-token:f5b36515a428328e199a
Expected response:
"algorithm": "HS256",
"created_at": "2019-12-23T12:22:15Z",
"kid": "61d025b8573501c2", // Access Key
"scope": [],
"secret": {
"auth": null,
"data": {
"value": "2d0b4979c7fe6986daa8e21d1dc0644f" // Secret Key
"lease_duration": 2764800,
"lease_id": "",
"metadata": null,
"renewable": false,
"warnings": null,
"wrap_info": null
"state": "active",
"updated_at": "2019-12-23T12:22:15Z"
To authenticate using API key you need to pass next 3 headers:
Header | Description |
X-Auth-Apikey | Access Key for API key (see 'How to create API key section ?') |
X-Auth-Nonce | Timestamp in milliseconds (can be passed as a string) |
X-Auth-Signature | HMAC-SHA256, calculated using concatenation of X-Auth-Nonce and Access Key |
date +%s%3N
Nonce will be validated on server side to be not older than 5 seconds from the generation moment
X-Auth-Signature is computed using HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. The secret used is the nonce concatenated with the access key.
Here is an example of bash script generating a signature and doing an API call using curl. The hmac256 command used is provided by the GnuPG libcrypt.
access_key='61d025b8573501c2' # Access Key from 'How to create API key section ?'
secret_key='2d0b4979c7fe6986daa8e21d1dc0644f' # Secret Key from 'How to create API key section ?'
nonce=$(date +%s%3N)
signature=$(echo -n "${nonce}${access_key}" | hmac256 "${secret_key}")
curl "https://${host}/api/v2/peatio/account/balances" \
-H "X-Auth-Apikey: ${access_key}" \
-H "X-Auth-Nonce: ${nonce}" \
-H "X-Auth-Signature: ${signature}"