
Authenticating in Management API v1

#Step 1: Generate keypair.

ruby -e "require 'openssl'; require 'base64'; OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048).tap { |p| puts '', 'PRIVATE RSA KEY (URL-safe Base64 encoded, PEM):', '', Base64.urlsafe_encode64(p.to_pem), '', 'PUBLIC RSA KEY (URL-safe Base64 encoded, PEM):', '', Base64.urlsafe_encode64(p.public_key.to_pem) }"

#Step 2: Include public key in the config/management_api_v1.yml at Peatio.

You should give the ID to the key and put it in variable called keychain.

The variable keychain in config/management_api_v1.yml should look like:

    algorithm: RS256
    algorithm: RS256

The value is public key from URL-safe Base64 encoded PEM from the first step. The algorithm is signature algorithm you prefer.

#Step 3: Configure JWT claims.

You can customize JWT verification options using variable jwt in config/management_api_v1.yml:

  verify_jti: true
  verify_aud: true
  exp_leeway: 180

The documentation is available at jwt repository.

#Step 4: Configure security scopes.

The config/management_api_v1.yml already includes good docs for this step. You can find it at the bottom near variable scopes.

#Step 5: Configure JWT provider and deliver private key.

The JWT provider can use Ruby Gem jwt-multisig for generating JWT with multiple signatures.

You should store private keys (ID, value, algorithm) somewhere in your application.

To generate JWS use the JWT::Multisig.generate_jwt(payload, private_keychain, algorithms).

In private_keychain you need to put private key from URL-safe Base64 encoded PEM from the first step.

The output from this example with serialized JWT will be save in data.json.


require 'openssl'
require 'jwt-multisig'
require 'base64'
require 'json'

payload = {
  exp:  1922830281, # Put here all the JWT claims.
  data: { foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' } # Put here all the data your API action expects.

# You can choose what signatures the JWT should include.
private_keychain = {
  :'backend-1.mycompany.example' => OpenSSL::PKey.read(Base64.urlsafe_decode64('BACKEND_1_PRIVATE_KEY_IN_PEM_FORMAT_BASE64_URLSAFE_ENCODED')),
  :'backend-2.mycompany.example' => OpenSSL::PKey.read(Base64.urlsafe_decode64('BACKEND_2_PRIVATE_KEY_IN_PEM_FORMAT_BASE64_URLSAFE_ENCODED'))

algorithms = {
  :'backend-1.mycompany.example' => 'RS256',
  :'backend-2.mycompany.example' => 'RS256'

jwt = JWT::Multisig.generate_jwt(payload, private_keychain, algorithms)

Kernel.puts JSON.dump(jwt) # The output will include serialized JWT.

# Save your JWT in data.json
File.open('./data.json','w') do |f|

The documentation for this method is available at rubydoc.info. The source code for jwt-multisig is available at GitHub. The example JWT is available at jwt-multisig source code.

#Step 6: Make requests to API.

With next example you can make request with ruby Faraday client library or make request with curl. This request will return empty array if you don't have any deposits on the platform.


require 'json'
require 'faraday'
require 'faraday_middleware'

# Read and save your JWT from data.json
data = File.read('./data.json')

# Create HTTP request with ruby Faraday client library
module Faraday
  class Connection
    alias original_run_request run_request
    def run_request(method, url, body, headers, &block)
      original_run_request(method, url, body, headers, &block).tap do |response|
        response.env.instance_variable_set :@request_body, body if body

def http_client
  Faraday.new(url: @root_api_url) do |conn|
    conn.request :json
    conn.response :json
    conn.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

# The output will include request response
Kernel.puts http_client
  .public_send(:post,'http://localhost:3000/management_api/v1/deposits', data)

Make request with curl.

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @jwt.json http://localhost:3000/management_api/v1/deposits