
#Manual Deposit Approval

To make ability for admin to verify each deposit for crypto, peatio has solution to use.

There is configuration named as PEATIO_MANUAL_DEPOSIT_APPROVAL.
By default ENV value has default as false, but if you want to approve income transfers manually you can set this value as true.

Deposit states

Let's present deposit states with which peatio will be dealing with.

There are several possible cases for different situations.

First, lets check case when admin approves deposit.

Deposit states will be next way:

1. submitted (initial deposit state) -> 2. accepted (API action name accept) -> 3. aml_processing (API action name process ) -> 4. processing (API action name process_collect) -> 5. collected (API action name dispatch)

  • on accept action system lock user funds
  • on process action system check if manual approve enabled
  • on process_collect action system unlock funds if ENV variable PEATIO_DEPOSIT_FUNDS_LOCKED disabled
  • on dispatchaction system unlock funds if ENV variable PEATIO_DEPOSIT_FUNDS_LOCKED enabled

In next case, admin identify deposit as suspicious.

Deposit states will be next way:

1. submitted (initial deposit state) -> 2. accepted (API action name accept) -> 3. aml_processing (API action name process ) -> 4. aml_suspicious (API action name aml_suspicious)

From aml_suspicious there are 2 possible ways:

  • make refund for user (refund state: API action name refund)
  • process deposit again (aml_processing state: API action name process)