

Engines in Peatio represent market's matching engine settings.

idan unique identifier in database
namehuman-readable description
driverMore about driver in DRIVERS section
uidUser's UID for upstream markets (more in UPSTREAM)
urlURL for upstream
key_encryptedapikey kid for upstream
secret_encryptedapikey secret for upstream
data_encryptedcan hold any engine-specific key-value configuration
stateEither online or offline

Every market belongs to one of defined engines and every engine should have one of supported drivers.


Drivers can be divided into two groups - Local or Upstream.

Supported local drivers are peatio and finex-spot.

Peatio comes with peatio driver available only.

Upstream drivers are supported in finex trading engine.


Upstream is a remote platform you can connect to to use them as liquidity provider for your platform.

To setup upstream market, you need to create an upstream engine:

engine = Engine.create(name: "BitFinex", driver: "bitfinex", uid: "UID", key: "KID", secret: "SECRET", url: "wss://api.bitfinex.com/ws/2", data: {"rest": "http://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/2", "websocket": "wss://api-pub.bitfinex.com/ws/2", "trade_proxy"=>true, "orderbook_proxy"=>true})

UID is an 'upstream' user UID on your platform. When you submit an order to the upstream market and get a trade on remote platform, the trade will be recorded as a trade between you and this user.

KID and SECRET are your remote platform credentials.

data field should contain a configuration for trade and orderbook proxy. Peatio Upstream daemon will connect to the remote platform via rest and websocket params in data and will forward latest trades and incremental orderbook updates to your platform.

And do not forget to deposit some funds to remote platform :)