
#OPEX 2.2 Migration Guide


To be able to fully migrate your platform without any data loss, you need to have:

  • Database dumps of Peatio, Barong and any other SQL-dependent component
  • A backup of the storage bucket used as the Vault backend
  • Vault root token and unseal keys backed up


WARNING! Before starting the migration procedure make sure there is no traffic on the platform for at least 15 minutes. It's best to put a maintenance page and start the procedure after approximately 15 minutes.

  1. Save current vault credentials in a safe place.
  2. Create a database export and store it in a bucket.
  3. Copy the content of the Vault backend bucket for later use.
  4. Bring up the new infrastructure.
  5. Import the database export made in step 2 to the new database instance.
  6. Move the content of vault bucket saved in step 3 to freshly created bucket.
  7. Deploy all the components one by one.
  8. Repoint DNS records to the new Ingress Controller public IP address.
  9. Have fun with your newly updated platform!